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As much as i disliked Martha, I cant help but think that Catherine Tate must be one of the worst decisions the people at Dr Who have ever made. I think that people watching Dr Who will be half expecting her to go into one of her sketches, and after seeing the christmas episode last year i must say i think her acting skills arent really up to much.


wonder how long this sidekick will last..



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i must say i think her acting skills arent really up to much.


Since when have acting skills been a prerequisite for being in Doctor Who ?


The guy who plays the doctor now is dreadfull, but not in a funny, camp, OTT way like Tom Baker, he's just tedious.

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Since when have acting skills been a prerequisite for being in Doctor Who ?


The guy who plays the doctor now is dreadfull, but not in a funny, camp, OTT way like Tom Baker, he's just tedious.


I always find discussions on acting ability a bit futile as they tend to be down to be a matter of personnel preference. But thats never stopped me before so I'll stick my oar in anyhow.


Tennant is a good actor. It is the lines and the uneven way the character is written that lets him down. You could stick Von Syndow in the role and he'd come across as OTT and tedious.

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I say give her a chance after all there were plenty of people who thought Billie Piper was going to be a HUGE mistake.

Just as long as she can seperate her show from Doctor Who then let's wait and see. I didn't think the Xmas special was too bad apart from the silly spinning tree's of course.

I've had to remember though to put my 'kiddy' head on when I watch the last two doctors as the show is aimed at a very wide age range and not just 30-40 year old whovians.

Oh and I still think Tom Baker was the start of a downward spiral or maybe I was just growing up,

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Although I welcome a companion who is not of the young, slim, very attractive category, Tate's character in the xmas special was intensely annoying. She did nothing but shout, in much the same way as many of her sketch show characters. Hopefully Donna will be toned down once we get to next series, and not sound like a bad extra from Eastenders.

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Catherine Tate was terrible on the Christmas special - and I expect her to be as bad over the next season. She kept slipping dangerously close to her "Am I bovvered" character, reminding me of why I avoid anything she pops up in on TV.


Terrible choice on behalf of the beeb to bring her back - I guess i can now look forward to not enjoying next season as much as I should do (same as when Peter frickin' Kay turned a potentially great episode into another chance to show exactly how little talent he has!)

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