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Since when have acting skills been a prerequisite for being in Doctor Who ?


The guy who plays the doctor now is dreadfull, but not in a funny, camp, OTT way like Tom Baker, he's just tedious.


yes but hes gorgeous, so its okay:hihi:

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  • 3 weeks later...

The following has been printed in the Sun...


WORD has reached TV Biz that the Beeb have found the man to take over as Doctor Who from David Tennant — Cold Feet star James Nesbitt. David, 36, is expected to quit at the end of the next series and insiders say Irishman James, 42, is a cert to get the Tardis key.


The Jekyll star is pals with Doctor Who writer Steven Moffat, tipped to replace show chief Russell T Davies when he also stands down at the end of the next series. Our mole said: “Moffat has worked with James on Jekyll and the talk in BBC Drama is that he’s a shoo-in as the next Doctor."



Now, I know we can't believe everything we read in the papers, but if this is true ... fantastic!!

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Catherine Tate as new companion: absolute disaster. Was hoping for that Sally Sparrow character from the Blink episode myself.


James Nesbitt as the Dr: can't really enthuse about that one either.


Looks like the whole idea is beginning to go downhill in a way that longtime Who fans will be only too familiar with...

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nahh, really don't think Nesbitt would be good in the role.


I'm even less enthusiastic about JN coming in than I am about CT being the "companion". and I was totally disappointed at the CT-announcement.


I'm getting Michael Grade-grade deja-vu


nineteen-eighties, anybody? :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

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The only de-ja-vu I am getting is regarding when things like Doctor Who started, things like....


Oooh, I don't like this new doctor (Ecclestone), perhaps he will grow on me, and Rose, oh boy, she is horrible, but, we shall see how she turns out.


Then people saying things along the lines of....


Okay, new doctor, not too sure on this one, let's see how he takes to the role, oh, and this Martha Jones, she isn't Rose Tyler, I really miss her.


The point I am trying to make is, regardless of who the actor is and what they have done before, give them a chance, who knows, you might get to like them and end up wondering what all the fuss is about.

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Can I ask what's wrong with just sitting down and enjoying it for what it is instead of all this nit-picking and scrutinising over the slightest little detail?


So none of them are ever likely to be classed as the greatest actors or it'll never pick up accolades for the most monumental dialogue ever, but I have throroughly enjoyed all three series' and can't wait for the next one.


Even I thought some of the script was a tad cheesy in places and the stories a bit slow in places, but you'll find that with anything that's had a shelf-life as long as this. I've enjoyed the ideas used and some of the special guests have been amazing. I just think if you stopped trying to be so stiff and up-your-own-backside about it, you might like it a little bit more.


But hey, as with all of the posts, this is just my own humble opinion.

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Catherine Tate as new companion: absolute disaster.


i have quite enjoyed the last 3 series (too young for the earler ones), but it has to be said i turned off the special with catherine tate as the bride. i just find her the most irritating person on tv!

i probably wont even bother watching it if i have to watch her...

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The following has been printed in the Sun...


WORD has reached TV Biz that the Beeb have found the man to take over as Doctor Who from David Tennant — Cold Feet star James Nesbitt. David, 36, is expected to quit at the end of the next series and insiders say Irishman James, 42, is a cert to get the Tardis key.


The Jekyll star is pals with Doctor Who writer Steven Moffat, tipped to replace show chief Russell T Davies when he also stands down at the end of the next series. Our mole said: “Moffat has worked with James on Jekyll and the talk in BBC Drama is that he’s a shoo-in as the next Doctor."



Now, I know we can't believe everything we read in the papers, but if this is true ... fantastic!!


Jimmy Nesbitt would be a great choice. Although i think the next Dr should be someone REALLY different and he might be a bit too similar to Tennant.


I understand what everyone is saying, when Tennant took the role of Eggleston i couldn't see him doing it but i actually think he's done a much better job.

As for assistant Tate would not be my first choice. Think that should be someone slightly older this time though - I would have said Jenny from Cold feet(Fay Ripley) but that would be a bit overkill.


My personal choice for Dr Who would be James McAvoy I think he'd be great but he's doing too well now!

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Can I ask what's wrong with just sitting down and enjoying it for what it is instead of all this nit-picking and scrutinising over the slightest little detail?


So none of them are ever likely to be classed as the greatest actors or it'll never pick up accolades for the most monumental dialogue ever, but I have throroughly enjoyed all three series' and can't wait for the next one.


Even I thought some of the script was a tad cheesy in places and the stories a bit slow in places, but you'll find that with anything that's had a shelf-life as long as this. I've enjoyed the ideas used and some of the special guests have been amazing. I just think if you stopped trying to be so stiff and up-your-own-backside about it, you might like it a little bit more.


But hey, as with all of the posts, this is just my own humble opinion.


Here here, couldn't have said it better myself...

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