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The new Doctor Who


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Lol! I was watching an old episode of Who Wants to be a Millionaire on Sky at tea time, and the £100,000 question was "which Doctor Who baddie was originally played by Roger Delgado?" I know it was The Master, but the bloke in the chair, who was on £64K hadn't a flippin' clue! :loopy::lol:

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More gossip and rumour from The Sun....


DOCTOR Who bosses are set to sign up Gandhi star Sir Ben Kingsley — to play the Daleks’ creator Davros.


Sir Ben, 63 — who won an Oscar for his movie role as India’s peace-loving spiritual leader — is in final negotiations to play one of the most dangerous baddies in the galaxy.


A source said: “Ben’s agent has been in talks for a while now and he’s very keen to play the part of Davros. A deal will be signed any day now.”


Fans will be delighted that insane half-man, half-machine Davros is returning for the fourth series of the hit BBC1 show, which stars David Tennant as the Timelord.


The alien scientist — who first battled the Doctor in 1975 — is hell-bent on destruction with his army of exterminating Daleks.


What do we reckon - could it be true?

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Not more flamin' daleks.


It's like watching the Borg on ST: Voyager.


Can we please have something new and exciting! Davros would be cool, but another Dalek storyline? Gah!


Plus, who on earth believes the Sun?


I'd believe the Sun any time over the Daily Mail. Their stories aren't worthy of the paper they're printed on a lot of the time.


The DM wouldn't even do a Doctor Who story, unless David Tennant was secretly claiming benefits.

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