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Portofino (London Road) now 'The Bay Tree'??


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Anyone know any more about this?!


I've just seen a flyer advertising this new restaurant's "Classic Best of British Christmas Menu" and recognised the address as where Portofinos was :( shame, I loved the pizzas there!


I've had a quick google and can't find anything whatsoever on "The Bay Tree" - does anyone know anything?


Anyone been there & want to give us a review?

Anyone have any idea what the menu is like?!


I find it suprising that a brand new restaurant wouldn't have a website nowadays...

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Oops silly me :blush:

It's a bit of a sign of the times when you google something and ask on the Sheffield Forum before you actually think of asking a real live person in your own office who put the flyer up... :roll::blush:

(reminds me of one of those Email forwards... 'you know you're in 2008 when...')


Well it turns out it's my friend's Mum's brand new restaurant which will be opening on Wednesday :)


It will be serving "Traditional British" food and will have a website soon.


Here's that flyer:



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Aww I hope this isnt true I thought Portofino's was a lovely restaurant!
Yep sorry it's true :( :(

I found out that Portofinos had shut down a few weeks ago when we rang to order one of their gorgeous pizza's :(


Such a shame - we had only just discovered it, and it was walking distance from our house so we kinda thought we would become regulars but it was too late!


Oh well hopefully "The Bay Tree" will be just as nice (in a completely different way obviously)

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  • 2 weeks later...
So it should - a tenner for a Sunday roast in Heeley :loopy:


Depends what this includes. If it's for starter, main meal and pud, then I think it's a decent price as long as it's a well cooked and fresh meal. If it's just for the main meal, think I'd go elsewhere.


I have had a look at the place and the normal weekday menu and thought it was overpriced though. I think it was steak pie (or similar) at around £10-£12.

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