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Favourite toy as a kid


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We didnt have much dosh when I was a kid but my mother saved for ages to get me an Action man when I was about seven and I had that toy for ages and played with it constantly.

By the time I was nine he had a lower leg missing, his uniform was in rags and the paint had all been worn off his hair.

By the time I was eleven his arm was missing and there was a crack in his chest and I still loved that toy to pieces!

When I was twelve he fell to bits completely- I bet toys today wouldnt last that long, or hold a kids interest for so many years.

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I myself didn't have toys, like Jabbers we were poor, I didn't mind because art was my thing. I loved drawing, when I could get the paper that is, I even drew on the inner white wrapper around soap! My own kids who are Jabbers generation got Lego for Birthdays and Christmas's, they spent countless hours building or making daleks etc, best invention ever :D:thumbsup:

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There were five of us so we too didn't have many toys, would watch the other children with their scooters and their bykes and if we were lucky they would "give us a go". Upon saying that my favourite toy was whip and top and I can remember once getting some 2nd hand metal roller skates and practicing up at the the skating rink at High Hazels park - many moons go!!!

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Although I hate to admit it now my favourite was definately Barbie Dolls I had a different one every xmas and birthday for about 4 or 5 years I loved them. I spent hours in Redgates looking at all the different outfits and accessories.:love:


If I was born when Barbie Dolls were around, I think I would have loved them too. I was never really interested in regular dolls ( I think me and my sisters shared one) all I did was dress them in different clothes anyway, I never played 'Mother':D

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Me and my brother used to sit for hours playing Knex, we had a big plastic orange briefcase to keep it all in.


When I was about 6 or 7 I got a BabyBorn which I adored, oh and a Furby too!

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