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Favourite toy as a kid


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I used t have 3 best toys. One was a bottle with a piece of strin tied to it. This was the dog that i never had, i used to drag it all over the place.

My second was a monkey called charlie and my third was a bald doll called mergatroid :loopy:

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My dad bought me a brand spanking new bmx when I was a kid in the 80's, it wasn't even my birthday or owt, it was one of my most prized possesions.

A few years before that a great aunt bought me a "keeper", I wouldn't have got one if she hadn't as my parents weren't very well off but my great aunt was loaded. I still have the keeper to this day and my kids think i'm mean because I wont let them play with it.

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Before I got subbuteo. we created a game called cardboard football it consisted goals made of meccano with string threaded through thr hole. then the football cards you use to collect with chewing gum.


All out street lads use to plat it about 10 lads

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