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Favourite toy as a kid


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In fact wasn't the game called '' Howzat '' ?


I've got one of the tin versions, like this one :


The story goes that the original manufacturer repainted gramophone needle tins for the early ones - early 50's? - and the true experts (!) can tell the difference between those and the later issues.

Suffice to say, the originals command quite a high price these days....

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Mine was a Major Morgan from the early 80s, it was a little hand held device you could put different cards in the back & play simple games & music, i had it for years & would love to get my hands on one now!!! Memories Ehh


Here ya go....



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God yeah LEGO! I had some of that too and that kept me occupied for a long time.


Making tanks out of cig packs... I used to do that too, we had to play with what was at hand when we were chabbies!


I was a kid long before lego, though lego served both my kids admirably. We still have the lego pieces for our grandkids to use when they get old enough. Mecanno was the forerunner of lego. All those metal pieces with holes in them, small nuts and bolts, the tiny spanner for tightening them. Then, of course, there was the old game of shove ha'penny on the kitchen table. Played that for hours on end. You didn't have to be wealthy to play that game. My brother and I would each pretend to represent a different football team. Of course, Sheffield Wednesday always won. We made sure of that. Pity real life doesn't imitate fiction!

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My favourtite toy was a Johnny Seven

For those who never saw one, it was basically an assault rifle with seven functions (Shoots bullets, Grenade launcher, Rocket launcher, Crosshead screwdriver, that kind of thing)

Me and Wobble both had one and we played for hours on the field, fighting imaginary jungle warfare and leading attacks on enemy troops


Aaah, them were the days!

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Can't pick just one...


Knight Rider Scaletrix

Castle Greyskull complete with he-man and some guy with a twisty body

The Millenium Falcon with chewbacca and a couple of stormtroopers


oh and Team Tactics....awesome board game which was pretty much monopoly but with football players....i played it so much i had memorised every player, number, team and value...not really useful stuff to learn haha.

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Another good one I remember, although as an adult with my kids rather than as a kid myself, was "Pass the Pigs".

Still knocking about here somewhere, come to think.....


First time I played pass the pigs I was about 20....and loved it, but then again my work was very boring so anything to fill the time helped

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First time I played pass the pigs I was about 20....and loved it, but then again my work was very boring so anything to fill the time helped


Apparently you can get a real posh set these days....metal case, the works!


A pal of mine actually cast a set of pigs in brass for his kids - they looked brilliant!!

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