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Favourite toy as a kid


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My favourtite toy was a Johnny Seven

For those who never saw one, it was basically an assault rifle with seven functions (Shoots bullets, Grenade launcher, Rocket launcher, Crosshead screwdriver, that kind of thing)

Me and Wobble both had one and we played for hours on the field, fighting imaginary jungle warfare and leading attacks on enemy troops


Aaah, them were the days!


have you seen how much these get now on Ebay (when you can find one)?


Several hundred pounds will only get you a half decent one with bits missing. Someone told me that Jonathon Ross bought one and paid a fortune for it

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Does anyone remember gyroscopes ? They never seemed to last very long and broke fairly easily, especially if you dropped them. I must have had about half a dozen of them.


I spent hours playing with a Spirograph about 1965 or 1966 when they were very popular.

I preferred a scooter to a bike for some reason when I was about nine or ten and didn't have a bike till I was about twelve.


A Rosedale chord organ was another favourite. I'm not religious but I used to love to play hymns on it.

Here's a link to a picture of one I've found http://squeezyboy.blogs.com/squeezytunes/images/rosedale_chord_organ.JPG It only had about 25 keys but made quite a sound or so I thought at the time.


I also liked playing around with an electronics kit with all the different components such as resistors, capacitors and transistors.

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Cricket Subbuteo, Test Match edition.

Wish I'd got one now.......


I had totally forgot about this game but must now admit I spent many very happy hours playing Subbuteo Cricket.

Thanks for bringing this back to my memory. Only wish I could have a game now!!.

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I had totally forgot about this game but must now admit I spent many very happy hours playing Subbuteo Cricket.

Thanks for bringing this back to my memory. Only wish I could have a game now!!.


Yup, me too.

I can remember getting rid of various board games as I "grew up" - open to debate, according to Mrs.Riffraff - but what happened to this particular game is a mystery. I'm wondering if it was left in an attic on one of our house moves.

A real pity.

From a previous post I know that Shanes Teeth is lucky enough to still have one....wonder if he'd be interested in selling?

Mind you, I shudder to think what comment my beloved would come out with - the financial world in turmoil, fuel and food prices going through the roof, job insecurity and the worry about paying the next mortgage installment, and what do you buy?!

A second-hand cricket boardgame.....

Hmmmm....maybe not!


(That said, Shanes Teeth, what sort of £....?!)

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Yup, me too.

I can remember getting rid of various board games as I "grew up" - open to debate, according to Mrs.Riffraff - but what happened to this particular game is a mystery. I'm wondering if it was left in an attic on one of our house moves.

A real pity.

From a previous post I know that Shanes Teeth is lucky enough to still have one....wonder if he'd be interested in selling?

Mind you, I shudder to think what comment my beloved would come out with - the financial world in turmoil, fuel and food prices going through the roof, job insecurity and the worry about paying the next mortgage installment, and what do you buy?!

A second-hand cricket boardgame.....

Hmmmm....maybe not!


(That said, Shanes Teeth, what sort of £....?!)


Just found this site http://www.boardgamecompany.co.uk/SubbuteoCricketClub(VG147).htm

Looks good but could never justify the price.

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