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Sheffield Great War A-Z


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I,m trying to find out where and which regiment my grandad served in (ww1) unfortunately no one in the family is alive to remember this ,any ideas how i could find out ? All i have is an old photo of him in uniform and a vague recollection that somebody said he was injured in one of the ypres battles . He survived the war so isn,t on any memorials ,thanks greg

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Full name would help Greg, also because he sirvived dosen't mean his name wouldn't appear on a Roll of Honour. A look at the photo would also help, I'll pm you my e-mail and maybe you could send me an image? Thanks for putting up the address Hugh.



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Well done Dean, you ought to be on a Roll of Honour for all your incredible work on the WW1.


Many Geneaologists, historians, military enthusiasts and just ordinay folk who need to know about that terrible war will all benefit from your work


Good on Yer! PopT

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there was a huge wooden board with their names carved in at my old school, brushes (firth park comp) i dont know what happened to it after it got demolished because of somalians breaking in to it then setting fire to the magic old building that it was !

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