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Glass on top of walls

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Like the article in the link says "bushes are a good deterant" My folks have a couple bushes that have spikes like sharp nails. If you got caught in it you would really know about it. It does have nice flowers so it could be argued it was ornimental and you'd be much more likey to get away with it.


It must be tough because it easily puntured leather footballs.


Perhaps a keen gardener on here could recommend a suitable plant. This thing was 6 foot high, redish and bushy. It made the thorns on roses look wimpy.

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Problem is proving that they were actually going to steel from you rather than just trespass on your property.


There is a difference in legal terms, especially if they are under 18, although I wouldn't suspect an adult to succeed in a claim for injuries.

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i believe it is illegal to put it on now,but if it was already on from years ago then you just need to put warning signs up just as you do now for new 'deterrents'.

carpet gripper is illegal as it goes rusty and can cause severe lacerations,you can buy rubber carpet gripper specifically for tops of fences etc.


can you still buy that non-drying paint they used to put on drainpipes to stop people climbing up them?

The trick is not climbing over someone else's wall to burgle them.
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