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William Francis Plommer

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My father's family lived on Princess Street and the story my father was told about the Fowler Brothers was that one of them was actually in a pub at the time of the murder and was hanged for no reason. My father got this information from the Landlady of the pub at the time and she was scared to say anything. Not sure which pub it was and unfortunately my father passed away 7 years ago so I can't ask him.

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The Plommers moved to Whiteinch in Glasgow as they feared for their lives. The family lived next door to my grandparents in a row of tenements buildings referred to as the gangway. Mrs Plommer her two sons Alex and Tommy and her two daughters Joan and +++. I was born in 1940 and my mum and dad and me lived with my granddad. My grannie was long since dead - I never knew her - she died because there was no money for medicine. As I grew up I was always welcomed by Mrs Plommer and I enjoyed the many stories from her unending experiences. Mrs Plommer often came in for a bowl of sugar and remained to enjoy a cup of tea. As both my grannies were dead, none of whom I knew, Mrs Plommer was the closest I had to a grannie. Her daughters were pleasant and always spoke to me. Unfortunately her two sons were a real pair of vagabonds and were continually in trouble often with the police. There were many fights in the house accompanied by the women screaming. As a young boy I was terrified when the fights raged and I was happy when they moved out. Sorry if I have upset any descendants, but I can only tell the truth. On one occasion as my dad helped one of them up the stairs, who was drunk and had been in a fight, he slipped his hand inside my dad's pocket to see if he had a wallet. He left blood inside my dad's jacket. Take care when doing a good turn.

I played with Billy Speirs and I think his name was Tommy Plommer. And a number of years ago I met Mr and Mrs Speirs in a council old peoples home. I think that will do for now. Enjoy- I hope. My surname is Hopson. My dad came from Scotstoun building and my mother was a Dougherty

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i have just found out that i am related to the fowlers, but due to stubborn relations, concealing the history surrounding this branch of my family, i have hit a dead end, i have the book etc, so any other family willing to divulge the missing info, it would be muchly appreciated. cheers all & have a happy new year
i am also related to the fowlers but have hit the brick wall all so secretive but i join via the stanfields and the goddards i know there is alink but have never found it yours j
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  • 1 month later...
Hi there,

I am interested in the William Plommer murder. My name is Mary Anne Plommer and I live in Glasgow. I think William Plommer was my dad's brother. My dad was called James Scott PLommer and he was born in Scotstoun in 1910. His dad worked as a riveter in the shipyards. His mother died when he was 4 years old. I know my dad had another brother Alex, and three sisters Mary Anne who move to America, and Dolly and Chrissie who stayed in Glasgow. My dad also had step-brothers Tommy and Harry. I think they lived in Scotstoun. My dad died in 1974 aged 64 years. He spent much of his life in the army and was a Japanese POW for almost 4 years. I remember hearing of a family member who was murdered in Sheffield by a gang who used weapons but I'd like to find out more about it. Can anybody provide more information or even suggest a book on the subject.

Much appreciated,

Mary Anne Plommer


My elderly relative new the fowler brothers who hung for this murder, and always said that they didnt do it. It all points at sam garvin.

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Oh grandad (born 1899), where are you when I need you? As I recall he wasn't convinced about the verdict passed on the Fowlers. Grandad used to earn money as a spotter on the Sky Edde tossing ring, he knew that the police were bent, and simply had to tell Mooney/Garvin when they were coming for their pay off.


He once had a cut throat razor put to his throat on Scotland St, when George Mooney said "leave him alone, he's alright".


The question appears to be that of where Garvin was at the time of the murder, I'm certain that a few long dead coppers could could have answered that.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 7 months later...
The Plommers moved to Whiteinch in Glasgow as they feared for their lives. The family lived next door to my grandparents in a row of tenements buildings referred to as the gangway. Mrs Plommer her two sons Alex and Tommy and her two daughters Joan and +++. I was born in 1940 and my mum and dad and me lived with my granddad. My grannie was long since dead - I never knew her - she died because there was no money for medicine. As I grew up I was always welcomed by Mrs Plommer and I enjoyed the many stories from her unending experiences. Mrs Plommer often came in for a bowl of sugar and remained to enjoy a cup of tea. As both my grannies were dead, none of whom I knew, Mrs Plommer was the closest I had to a grannie. Her daughters were pleasant and always spoke to me. Unfortunately her two sons were a real pair of vagabonds and were continually in trouble often with the police. There were many fights in the house accompanied by the women screaming. As a young boy I was terrified when the fights raged and I was happy when they moved out. Sorry if I have upset any descendants, but I can only tell the truth. On one occasion as my dad helped one of them up the stairs, who was drunk and had been in a fight, he slipped his hand inside my dad's pocket to see if he had a wallet. He left blood inside my dad's jacket. Take care when doing a good turn.

I played with Billy Speirs and I think his name was Tommy Plommer. And a number of years ago I met Mr and Mrs Speirs in a council old peoples home. I think that will do for now. Enjoy- I hope. My surname is Hopson. My dad came from Scotstoun building and my mother was a Dougherty


the Speirs are my cousins ... I'm Maricela Plommer my dad is Alexander Plommer his parents are Hannah and Alexander Plommer. its interesting to read about my family past other peoples memories of them thank you for writing your story!!

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