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'Electronic' Cigarettes Health Worry

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I would be interested to know of anyone who is actually allowed to smoke one of these devices in their office or workplace. I don't know of anyone who does.


There have been many reports of people being asked to stop using them in pubs and restaurants, and even a pub chain that has outlawed the devices.


Australia, Canada, New Zealand and Finland have joined the countries where they are banned. And oddly so has Hong Kong, which is part of China where the things appear to be made.


I smoke mine in the local, at first it felt wrong and ill admin you do get the odd look but after a while you forget about it. I asked the landlord first if it was ok since i didnt want to be embarrassed but he was fine with it. Since then he's bought one! lol :)

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I've been using mine on and off for the past 9 months or so depending if I have a charged battery or not! Mainly use it if I'm on the xbox or at work and its raining.


To clear a myth - they DO NOT emit any smell! Someones imagination must be working overtime.


Get one bought, I get my bits n bobs from a couple of places




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I imagine that the recipes and general build quality of these are highly variable (after all, they're mostly made in China). This probably accounts for the mixed reports of scent, taste and effectiveness.


They sound a good deal better than cigarettes to me, though there may still be lesser health issues. Can't see why they couldn't be made to smell nice; those middle eastern things with the pipes (Hookahs?) smell amazing and are the same basic idea.


Just go for a slightly upmarket one if you're getting one to avoid disappointment. I have had enough experiences with awful Chinese made goods. Not everything that is made in China is awful, but most of the really cheap stuff is.

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I imagine that the recipes and general build quality of these are highly variable (after all, they're mostly made in China). This probably accounts for the mixed reports of scent, taste and effectiveness.


They sound a good deal better than cigarettes to me, though there may still be lesser health issues. Can't see why they couldn't be made to smell nice; those middle eastern things with the pipes (Hookahs?) smell amazing and are the same basic idea.


Just go for a slightly upmarket one if you're getting one to avoid disappointment. I have had enough experiences with awful Chinese made goods. Not everything that is made in China is awful, but most of the really cheap stuff is.


I found this report on the net. It is about the only report that I have read that wasn't written by someone trying to flog the things.


"Fifty-One" e-cigarette will ensure you have no friends even after you quit smoking



My only experience was in a pub where someone tried smoking one. It hissed and steamed a lot and smelt like a dog had p1**ed on a hot radiator.


He was asked to leave, and didn't seem to surprised. I suspect it happened to him a lot.



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