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'Electronic' Cigarettes Health Worry

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Well it would appear nuttygirl's post is very misleading as she doesn’t mention there are 4 recipes in the list and not all if the ingredients are used in all recipes.


The recipes are as follows:


Recipe 1

Propylene glycol




Organic acid

Anti-oxidation agent


Recipe 2

Propylene glycol



Tobacco essence

Butyl valerate

Isopentyl hexonate

Lauryl laurate

Benzyl benzoate

Methyl octynicate

Ethyl heptylate

Hexyl hexanoate

Geranyl butyrate


Citric acid


Recipe 3

Propylene glycol


Tobacco essence


Citric acid


Recipe 4

Propylene glycol



Tobacco essence


Organic acid



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ermmmm......yes. because i am crap! my friend who has one though has managed to stay off the real cigs for weeks though

Doesn't make you crap, and wasn't why I was asking. You're the only smoker that I know who has tried one. The fact that you are still smoking normal ones, means I suppose that they aren't as nice, especially as you say that your friend has 'managed to stay off real cigs', rather than prefers the new things.




Wouldn't mind a try myself. Will see what nick2 thinks of them if he's buying one too.

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I got one yesterday. 8 hours for the 1st charge so it was charging all evening. But used it today and am very impressed. It has the kick on the back of the throat like normal fags but is a lesser kick. Not smoked it in one session for as long as a fag takes to smoke which is good, you can just have a few drags every now and then.


All the smokers at my work are impressed by it but noone says they are going to follow.


I mainly smoke when having a drink so the real test will be this evening.

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Essentially, an unknown, untested product from China calling itself 'electonic cigarrettes' is now being sold via small companies in the UK.


It is based on a disposable cartridge that heats up a mist of god knows what chemical, which is inhaled into the lungs.


It isn't tobacco, thus is ok to smoke anywhere, however what baffles me is that it has not been clinically tested in the UK, and nobody really knows what's in them!


What on EARTH are people doing!? Putting god knows what into their lungs just to be able to pretend-smoke in a bar?



Someone got one out in our local the other day. Started blowing out what looked like steam. It stunk like a toilet and the landlady asked politely for smoker to stop or leave. They left... Which was good because if they hadn't I think many others would have. The stink was horrible.:gag:

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Someone got one out in our local the other day. Started blowing out what looked like steam. It stunk like a toilet and the landlady asked politely for smoker to stop or leave. They left... Which was good because if they hadn't I think many others would have. The stink was horrible.:gag:


see, I was right.

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see, I was right.


No you weren't right. No one said they wanted it banned. I just said this particular person was causing a stink in the pub. No one other than the landlady said anything about it. The landlady merely asked for the person to stop stinking out HER pub or to leave. Which they did. No problem at all.


It is a landlord/landlady's perogative whether to allow any activity on their premises. Obviously the landlady involved did not want that person in the pub with that device.


You would presume that any pub owner who was upset by the smoking ban would welcome these devices with open arms. Time will tell.

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Dont know what the device was but mine gives out a vapour that dissipates within about half a meter so noone else smells it. Its also strange but you get the taste when smoking it but the smell isn't as strong when just smelling the vapour. Main thing though is that it dissipates rather then lingur around like smoke does.

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