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'Electronic' Cigarettes Health Worry

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I was hoping that folk would not bring the pub/office ban into the discussion, but it appears that's hoping for too much....


I think it was hoping for too much as well.

Let's get one thing clear regarding these e cigs. They have only one purpose and that is to try to circumvent smoking bans. If people want an alternative to smoking there are far better and safer products on the market. The WHO and many other health organisations have expressed health concerns regarding these products and governments are reacting by banning or restricting their use.

It is very probable that before too long an EU ruling will be made regarding the sale of the refills for the devices.

In the short term I am sure that some pubs/clubs will allow them to be used as they will feel it will help trade. I am equally sure that very few businesses will allow their employees to use them at work.

I am fortunate that I don't smoke. However if I did, I would be trying to quit and this unproven product is not one I would choose to help in that quest.

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OK...so to get back to my original point, which was wondering how e-cig users were getting on with their purchases.

I don't need to know how they're made, where they're made, what's in 'em or that your local pub/office/spouse permits them to be used or not!

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OK...so to get back to my original point, which was wondering how e-cig users were getting on with their purchases.

I don't need to know how they're made, where they're made, what's in 'em or that your local pub/office/spouse permits them to be used or not!


I am not really sure what point you are making here. You have not exactly been swamped with endorsements. I appear to be one of 2 people who replied to "your" OP who have actually had experience of the things.

This is of course a public forum and within reason members can reply to threads as they see fit. I have done just that.


As the OP you are entitled to read or ignore any comments as you see fit.



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I am not really sure what point you are making here. You have not exactly been swamped with endorsements. I appear to be one of 2 people who replied to "your" OP who have actually had experience of the things.

This is of course a public forum and within reason members can reply to threads as they see fit. I have done just that.


As the OP you are entitled to read or ignore any comments as you see fit.


Granted : and note my comments were not "aimed" at anyone in particular.

Yes, you've experienced the things....but you don't "smoke".

It's actually user comments I'm after.....

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  • 1 month later...

I have tried many times to stop smoking and many times i have started again. I guess my problem is lack of will power more than anything else. I guess what works for one does not always work for another and i personally think that peoples needs are also different when talking about the addiction of smoking.


Example i have tried gum useless, patches did not make a blind bit of difference. An inhaler not bad as it did offer a you an alternative to have a puff on a cig.


Now as i said what works for one person for one reason may not work for another as they have different needs.


My main problem in trying to quit smoking was not the fact that i felt the need out of habit or that i felt i had a nicotine addiction. With me it was all about the need for the hit the cig gives you on the back of your throat. I must admit when i first tried i thought it would just be another useless gadget to waste my money on. But i can honestly say that i have never in my life had anything so realistic or anywhere near like a normal cig. First few days it was a very easy straight swop for my cigs, then i noticed that i did not have the craving so much so it was a case that i just had a few puffs on the cig when i felt the need. I still use it now but only have it a few times during the day or to take to the footy match. To be honest i think i could come of it altogether but who cares i like a good smoke on mine so i will stick with it thanks.


I understand the concerns and other comments about bans and so on, but if your a smoker and your desperate for somthing to work then for me this is the biz!


And as far the do gooders on the post that do not seem to get the idea of what the post is about, then can i just say it makes me laugh to see you come back with so called facts about what is going on in this country and guessing at what should be done. Well i say get a life!


Firstly the OP did not ask for legal advice or a do gooders free far all to distract from the post. what makes me laugh when this happens in a post is when you do actually know something about whats happening legally and you look at people on the post comming to there own fantasy conclusions.




Fact: Several electronic cigarettes have already been tested by various UK trading standards:


Fact: No Ban as been placed on the sale of the electronic cigarette


Fact: The electronic cigarette is made by many factories and imported by many different UK companies:


Fact: This means that no one rule can be enforced on all electronic cigarettes unless it can be proven that the make or model as an issue.


Fact: At this moment, in the UK it would seem that the main issue is labeling and not that the product is going to blow up and kill you.


In simple terms the packaging needs to state the contents and potentail harm of ingredients. But when all is said and done they are no way as harmful as normal cigarette.


So im sorry if this makes a few unhappy at the fact that this will no doubt be selling for a long time to come, but before you next jump on the anti product brigade get your facts right and if it does not concern you (none smokers) then what right do you have to say who can and can not use one!


When all is said and done we all know smoking is bad and that e-cigs may not be healthy, but should that mean they should be banned, if so then can anyone of these do gooders tell me why is beer still legal?


Food for thought


If i was to start a post about low alcohol beer would these do gooders say it should be banned? because basically thats what is being done by those objecting for some strange reason.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm considering ordering one as well! Would be very interested in your feedback when you do get it. Where did you order it from? I've looked and there are so many different websites etc I can't decide which one to go for :confused:

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