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Windows 98 SE boot disk .img file


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Does anyone please have a copy of a Windows 98SE boot disk, with CDROM support, as an img file?


Online can only find img file versions of disks with no CD support, or self-extracting disk creators which will actually make you a boot disk. As I'm on Linux & don't have a floppy drive they're no use...

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First place I looked unfortunately...


They're all "insert floppy into drive" kind of self extractors, the one I've tried worked through wine to a point but I think looking for /dev/fd0 was giving it brain-ache.


If anyone has a 98 SE boot floppy with CDROM support they could zip up & send me a URL I may be able to mkisofs it.


Don't know why I'm doing this, I only want a 98SE virtual machine because I can.

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