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Estikutum ?? Anyone been


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We went for my dads bday the other week. we had heard really good reviews about it so was really looking forward to it. We went on the website and it looked great! A cocktails list too which i was evenmore excited about going for! We got there and we had prebooked a table and when we aid this they looked at us blank as if they could not understand english! Any way we sat down and ordered drinks i asked for a tequila sunrise (my fave) they went away and it took 15 mins for them 2 bring 4 pints (the place was empty) when he came back with out my cocktail i asked him where it was he said "oh cocktails no" i didnt have a clue what he was on about and in the end we figured out they dont do cocktails so why on earth do they advertise that they do???

Anyway we got down to the food and they only thing i enjoyed was the nan breads! everything else was either so hot you had to have an aspestos mouth t eat it or it was full of bones! Anyway i would never go there again. Jinnahs is the place to go!!!!

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I went a while ago and it was good but it was the only time I went. It didn't serve alcohol then but someone on another thread said it does now and you can look it up on Estikutum's site (they sell loads of booze).


The thing I liked apart from the food was that it had a relaxed atmosphere - I mean this mainly compared to some of the Chinese all you can eats in town where the waiters seem to be watching you a lot and sort of pressuring you.


Also if you went to another all you can eat curry place called Cha-Chis (the old mad greek) it is miles better than that. Cha-Chis is shut down as well now though.

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