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Councils have hundreds of millions in icelandic banks

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Councils are told by the govt. to obtain the best return they can for short-term capital deposits even if that means using foreign banks that are considered 'safe'.


Well then its down to government and the advise local councils were given, but that doesnt change that we should be investing the money in the UK other than any crackpot country that will give you a few extra £ interest.


Gordon Brown is apparently using anti-terrorist laws to freeze Icelandic assets held in UK :D


George Osborne wants to send a naval task-force to Iceland to demand our money back :P


Another abuse of the UK terror laws or proof they over reaching draconian laws we could all find ourselves subject to if we p**s off the government.


If freezing Icelandic assets means we stop our own country from going down the plug hole and that the Icelandic government have been acting irresponsibly, I’m actually happy the government have taken this move. It doesn’t however stop other nations do the exact same thing to us and then the world is up sh*t creek!

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If you listen to the sabre rattling between Iceland and the UK, we may be reaching the point where the idiots realise that 'globalisation' does not work.


Globalisation works well for large companies but when they start to feel the pinch they will soon change their tune!


Now with the freezing of assets, Germany’s apparent solitary move against the will of the EU, I’m betting if this gets worse and I mean a lot worse, we could see the spark of WWIII in the making!

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Another question: With the freezing of Icelandic assets in the UK. Does anyone think this would still have happened if councils where not effected and it was just Joe public who was to lose out?


And who'd have thought we'd be in a new Cold war!


We've truely been iced!:hihi:

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And who'd have thought we'd be in a new Cold war!


Exactly. I saw a report that Russia was offering to bail out the Icelandic govt.


In exchange for what I wonder - a nuclear sub base in Reykjavík A couple anti-missile missile bases


Golden opportunity for Putin to stir things up :)

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