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Simon James Ellis Help Please

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Hi could anyone help me with a query and maybe do a quick look up.

Simon James Ellis born 1881 died 11th Nov 1951. He died in Sheffield but don't think this is where he was born.

I have searched several census sites etc but am getting him living with one set of parents then on the second he seems to dissappear then reappears in the third census with different parents.

I know he married around 1905 and had a daughter and at least on son George Ellis born 1911.

Would be grateful for any help.

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Hi tmelport 1979


On the FreeBMD there are 2 Simon James Ellis listed


One which seems to be the one, is listed as


Simon James Ellis Born September 1880 Sheffield V.9c P.495


the other is


Simon James Ellis Born June 1908 Sheffield V.9c P.668


Hope this helps you. PopT

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