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What do you want from a letting agency?

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This is aimed at both landlords and tenants. What makes you go through an agent rather than finding your own tenants/property?

We all know that the fees on both sides are pretty steep, so do you use an agent to screen potential tenants, or for the exposure they will get the property through advertising on Rightmove, Property Finder etc? Did you try listing privately with little interest and give in maybe?

And do you as a tenant feel more secure going through an agency, or would you prefer to find your dream house and deal directly with the landlord?

Any feedback would be gratefully received, either on here or via PM. Thanks for reading :)

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I've rented both ways.


With a private landlord you pay less rent I find - and the one I had was fairly decent. I doubt the flat was of a standard that an agent would take it on though. It seemed to have been rewired by someone who was really trying to knit a sweater. He did have the charming habit of only bothering to come and get the rent every few months too :)


The agencies I have used (one in Leicester, one in Oxford) are very officious (I guess they have to be) and a pain to get your deposit back from. The one in Oxford was particularly bad - even though the lady that inspected the flat said it was in better condition than when we moved in it took 3 months and lots of arsey phone calls to get my money - on the last call they said the person who signed cheques 'had just gone on lunch', so I said I'd hold until they came back. Funnily enough it only took them 5 minutes :)

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That's interesting, thanks for your response. On the occasion it took you three months to get your deposit back, was that after the tenancy deposit scheme came about?

Would you be happy to go direct with a landlord again, was it a better experience than messing about through agencies?

It would also be nice to get some responses from landlords, anyone? :)

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That's interesting, thanks for your response. On the occasion it took you three months to get your deposit back, was that after the tenancy deposit scheme came about?

Would you be happy to go direct with a landlord again, was it a better experience than messing about through agencies?

It would also be nice to get some responses from landlords, anyone? :)


I've no idea what the tenancy scheme is, or when it came in - sorry! It was 1997 though.

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Fair enough that the landlord pays for marketing and drawing up contracts but why do potential tenants get charged £100+ just to do a credit check. I bet it costs them no where near that amount.


Agreed, the costs i've heard of some tenants being charged are just stupidly unreasonable. For example, £100 to apply for the property, £80 for an inventory, £30 to supply a reference when you leave. It costs nowhere near that amount to do the work, you are just paying for the 'privilege' of going through an agent.

There is a point to this thread, and any more feedback will be very helpful :thumbsup:

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