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The York, Broomhill, now open....Under New Management...


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Anyone who wants to see the 'old' York interior for the last time may do so next weekend, as it will be closing after Monday 20th October for 11 days for some substantial changes. It will re-inventing itself as a Real Ale and funky, alternative type Pub, sister to the Dove and Rainbow but tailored for Broomhill.


If you wish to pay any last respects to the York as a Scream Pub, then next weekend, or AFAIK Monday 20th Oct, will be the last time you will see it. Its time has indeed come and its past its sell by date in its current format, and in need of major building works to save this 1845 building. Come down and take some pix, because when its gone as Scream, it wont be coming back.


Come down and check us out Friday 7th November when we re-open, with a fantastic new range of drinks and offers and a revised interior but have no fear, the old York will NOT become a trendy chav bar, and will be a haven for all who feel out of place in 'The Place', ET AL. We have our own cask ale brewed by the Sheffield brewery Company, to be called YORK GHOST, plus like the Dove and Rainbow, a constantly eclectic selection of Guest Ales on hand pull, retro CD jukebox packed with 80's and 90's rock and alternative music, new lighting, new decor, and various other changes.

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Might be a good place for the Sheffield Linux user group to hold our monthly meetings. Will suggest to the head honcho, if that's OK by you.


Sounds cool to me:) We MAY also have the old function room available on the first floor, been disused for many years but will be trying to get this sorted out for private meetings/usage....

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I for one shall not lament the passing of the York it its current vulgar carnation aka Scream.


It was ruined slowly but surely over time, turning from a nice, local boozer in its Stones' day (mid 1980s) to the plastic O'Neill's oirish theme bar to the present tomb-like Scream.


How on earth anyone would wish to spend an evening in there is beyond me. Yet, yes, I did used to call in for a Scream Burger (oh, purleeese) but the beer - tasteless, lifeless Carlsberg - and surroundings were awful. But I never lingered for a refill.


I wish you luck goldenfleece in the knowledge that you too are familiar with the way it used to look 20 years or more back.:thumbsup:

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I wish you luck goldenfleece in the knowledge that you too are familiar with the way it used to look 20 years or more back.:thumbsup:


Oh yes, a classic Stones local it surely was! Many a happy night when I was an 'art student'....the days when Carling Black Label used to actually taste of something pleasant....


Unfortunately, as its a listed building, and with premises licence restrictions, the potential to fully restore it is virtually impossible. But it will be brighter and more spacious, and nothing like a "tomb".


I would have loved to restore the Glossop Road side entrance, the big main room with the huge window (now the girls toilets), open up the front windows again and move the bar, but alas, this would mean a total premises licence review and this does not come cheap.


We are doing the absolute maximum inside and outside we can get away with under current regulations without having a licence review.....

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