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The York, Broomhill, now open....Under New Management...


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The colour is garish and makes the pub feel cold and uninviting. I must say that the old York colour scheme (yellow and burgundy) was far better, which is really saying something!! A neutral colour would suffice, or if you want to push the boat out how about a nice pale blue. The fact that people are still commenting on the colour, with the majority of it being negative, surely shows that the colour isn't favourable with most people.


yellow and burgundy I don't think would get many votes:loopy: Now that was quite disgusting.....and in the last year as SCream it was burgundy, dirty brown, bits of light blue in part, pale yellow with burgundy stripes.......it was a mess..


take a look at the gallery on the web site, before and after pix.....if you can really say that was better??? The purple looks different depending on the lighting in each bit....I think its rather clever ....

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I'm getting used to the colours, but a friend who went in last week for the first time thought it looked as though it was a 'tidy-up' colour until the real colour goes on.


I reckon it will look better in summer, when people want a relaxing colour away from the heat and light outside.

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I'm getting used to the colours, but a friend who went in last week for the first time thought it looked as though it was a 'tidy-up' colour until the real colour goes on.


I reckon it will look better in summer, when people want a relaxing colour away from the heat and light outside.


Well we may change it next year..or at least break it up into zones of different colour......we will see once xmas is out of the way....

I quite wanted to have some lighter walls but the plaster is not in very good condition and every single flaw would show.....so we are limited to how light we can go, and I don't want it dark and gloomy like it was before either. The purple is fairly good at hiding the wall imperfections without being too dark....so its a practical choice as well as an aesthetic one.

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I really like the pub, and especially what you have done to the place RE- the roof and the floor, i jsut think that the rooms are too big for that colour if you know what i mean, a warmer colour on some of the walls will help break up the space and make it a little cosier.


But its your pub- who am i to tell you what to do!!! lol!


well done though btw, its still 100% better than the 'old' york!

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The 'old' York was great and I've seen nothing from the new York, with the exception of beer variety, that betters it. The new York lacks atmosphere, comfortable seating and regulars. Admittedly it is just starting out, but a lot has been neglected and it in no way compares to the pub it was under Mitchell and Butler.

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Good range of good ales! I like the retention of the wood and the furniture is quite nice


On the downside I find the place too bright and soulless. Not a fan of the mauve colour. I suppose I just prefer my traditional pubs to be a bit dark and dingy! Its the same problem with the Nottingham. Too much light. No longer feels like a warm and cosy inviting pub IMO

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The 'old' York was great and I've seen nothing from the new York, with the exception of beer variety, that betters it. The new York lacks atmosphere, comfortable seating and regulars. Admittedly it is just starting out, but a lot has been neglected and it in no way compares to the pub it was under Mitchell and Butler.


The OLD York had disgusting condition beer lines, a filthy back bar covered in slimy rotting beer which had been there for probably years, with fungus and mould residing on/in it, and WORMS living in the rotting, mushy shelves on which the glasses rested...the glassware was filthy beyond description...the kitchen was obscene, and would have been closed down sooner if the Council had inspected it.....it has taken a months worth of work to get the kitchen ready, that will tell you how appallingly awful the kitchen was. The whole state of the pub before was a total disgrace, and I fail to see how any one could argue that it was better. You did not see the pub behind the scenes, the state of the cellar, the back bars, the infrastructure, the whole building was a disaster. Anyone who has eaten there in the last year was seriously risking their health, and even drinking in there put yourself at risk with the infested glassware shelving, and I will stand by what I am saying here!


Now we have a 100% clean pub, which has had a huge amount of money spent on restoring and renovating it for the future, with new lines, complete new bar, new glassware, a hygienic and clean kitchen about to be opened, and apparently, some of the the best tasting beers in Broomhill!!!! Add to that fantastic friendly staff, good management, restoration of an old mosaic floor, new light fittings, sanded and restored original wooden floors, many other behind the scenes repairs and renovation you cant see but all add up to superb quality product delivery. And it is still evolving, like any Pub should do until it hits that highest potential zone.....


Now I know which one I would go for!!!!!!

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Good range of good ales! I like the retention of the wood and the furniture is quite nice


On the downside I find the place too bright and soulless. Not a fan of the mauve colour. I suppose I just prefer my traditional pubs to be a bit dark and dingy! Its the same problem with the Nottingham. Too much light. No longer feels like a warm and cosy inviting pub IMO


We will be zoning the lighting, unfortunately due to the sheer bad state of the electrics when we took over, the zone and dimmer lighting system is not working properly, the lights and dimmers can only be FULL ON until we get the system changed. Again, not our fault, but a legacy of neglect from our predecessors. Not everything can be done at once I regret to say......but it will be tackled soon....


So soon we will be a bit darker, but the priority here was to get the pub safe, clean and functional, and the massive scale of work we had to do you would not believe.....at the moment we are focusing on sheer quality of drinks, and aim to win CAMRA pub of the Month in 2009 as well as other awards for drinks quality. I wish there was time to do everything all at once, but seriously, you have no idea of the state of the Pub when we got the keys in October, it was truly on its last legs and going down with all hands......we have saved it.....Scream were going regardless of whether they sold it or not, they were not prepared to invest in it, and were losing money big time at this site due to cheap drinks and total neglect....


I assure you what we have at the moment is better than the York being a boarded up derelict eyesore, because that is what it would would be at this moment, 13th December 2008! There were no other interested buyers..

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