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The York, Broomhill, now open....Under New Management...


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Marygreenes playing LIVE tonight...acoustic set.....Regular Dove and Rainbow act and they are good....


Last night, I paid my second visit to your fine establishment, Mr Fleece. The Marygreenes were very good - that girl can sing - and having the barman come over and personally adjust the lighting to our taste was a very classy move. I do have one minor complaint: On both visits, the only ales that were actually on were all pretty strong (>5% by my hazy recollection) although well-kept, I must say. My preference is for the weaker stuff and so the York Ghost would have been nice but it had already expired. Is there any chance of a better selection of session ales on a Sunday night or do your regulars all go for the heavy stuff?


Anyway, thanks for reclaiming The York from the Scream Hell that it once was and I hope it is a great success.

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Last night, I paid my second visit to your fine establishment, Mr Fleece. The Marygreenes were very good - that girl can sing - and having the barman come over and personally adjust the lighting to our taste was a very classy move. I do have one minor complaint: On both visits, the only ales that were actually on were all pretty strong (>5% by my hazy recollection) although well-kept, I must say. My preference is for the weaker stuff and so the York Ghost would have been nice but it had already expired. Is there any chance of a better selection of session ales on a Sunday night or do your regulars all go for the heavy stuff?


Anyway, thanks for reclaiming The York from the Scream Hell that it once was and I hope it is a great success.


We normally have some weaker beers on but they sold out Saturday night, we were busier than the weekend before, leaving the stronger beers still running. The York Ghost is back in the cellar agaiin, at this stage its kid of difficult to judge stock as we have yet to establish a trading pattern we can stock to, if you see what I mean....but we will do our best:)


I am very glad too we have reclaimed this pub from the Hellish depths of Scream.......surely the worst 8 years in this lovely Pubs history...plus saved this fine building from being boarded up and derelict....

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The award seems pretty pointless then, if all the pubs sold good beer before they won the award, and won the award for selling good beer, then continue to sell good beer….nothing has changed! (not that im complaining about good beer!) it just seems that the award is more of a advertising gimmick than a competition between pubs to improve the drinking experience for the customer.

p.s. your pubs do sell good ale I cant take that away from you :)


I guess its just a way of raising public awareness of Real Ale Pubs too, and it does encourage pubs to keep and dispense real ale in the best possible way. But anything that improves the quality of a product or public perception of it is good by me:thumbsup: Real Ale is the BIGGEST growth area in alcohol sales in the UK, this is official...


And from a Publican point of view, there is NOTHING quite so satisfying as nurturing (racking, venting and tapping) and bringing to perfection a perfect pint of real ale! There is no satisfaction whatsoever in dispensing a pit of fizzy bland 'plug N play' lager... Cask Ale here flies out at the weekend, got through several casks on Saturday as we were very busy....

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I've been a big fan of real ale for many years now...


I'm happy to find a pub nearby with a decent selection of ales and have been sampling quite a few of them over the last weeks :)


Any chance of getting some 'Badgers' ales on? I think I've only ever seen Tangle Foot on tap once in 7 years... Golden Glory is a nice easy drinker or Blanford Fly and Poachers are good Christmas ales!



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I've been a big fan of real ale for many years now...


I'm happy to find a pub nearby with a decent selection of ales and have been sampling quite a few of them over the last weeks :)


Any chance of getting some 'Badgers' ales on? I think I've only ever seen Tangle Foot on tap once in 7 years... Golden Glory is a nice easy drinker or Blanford Fly and Poachers are good Christmas ales!




Happy to know you have been sampling away:)


BADGERS.....A Premium traditional ale of legendary character!! We have had this at the Dove and Rainbow a few times so we will be adding this to our list of beers to add in the future at the York:) Not had the others you mention, but they all sound exciting stuff to me, judging from the Badger website...



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Flippin ek'


Never even realised the rest of those existed!

Badgers do a cider too! I'll have to try and find some of that for my better half :)

I'm finishing for Christmas soon so will be trying my best to find excuses not to be at home working...



There are literally many 1000's of cask ales available across the UK....only a handful are 'National' brands carried by the Pub Companies....something like 98% of all real ale produced is heavily regionally based only, which is why if you hop from County to County, the real ale experience at local level is stunningly varied and flavorsome in so many different aspects.


At the York and at the Dove, I like to get in some of these previously unknown brands in Sheffield, they are often vastly superior to the 'national' brands of cask.....

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Yeh... I can believe that... I've had several ales around England that I've never seen again...


Having said that though, its always a pleasent supprise when you suddenly see it appear in a bottle on a shelf suddenly :)


Ahh... time to get old... back in the day when Wards was still around, many pubs seemed to hold a varied selection of ale...



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Having been in to the so called ‘traditional’ York 4 times since it eventually opened and read most of GFs posting's I would like to add my thoughts on the subject.



How come as an experienced pub owner you took on the York with all its faults, surely you had a survey done before you signed on the dotted line, (it would seem not)


Did you at least cast your professional eye over the kitchen, did you not ask for the electric certificate or insist that M+B commission one, if not you should have got a good deal on the rent, if you did stop moaning, if you didn't more fool you.


And as for all the banging on you did about how ' Traditional' it was going to be how you can call a pub with ‘purple falls’ on the walls, garden benches for seats and a cd juke box traditional is totally beyond me.


And for the final note it's not hard to serve good beer, most publicans have been doing it for years.


Just get on with it

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Having been in to the so called ‘traditional’ York 4 times since it eventually opened

How come as an experienced pub owner you took on the York with all its faults, surely you had a survey done before you signed on the dotted line, (it would seem not)

Did you at least cast your professional eye over the kitchen, did you not ask for the electric certificate or insist that M+B commission one, if not you should have got a good deal on the rent, if you did stop moaning, if you didn't more fool you.

And as for all the banging on you did about how ' Traditional' it was going to be how you can call a pub with ‘purple falls’ on the walls, garden benches for seats and a cd juke box traditional is totally beyond me.

And for the final note it's not hard to serve good beer, most publicans have been doing it for years.

Just get on with it


Been in 4 times? Well you must like it in some way then and have to keep coming back for more superb beer....


You see to me, a traditional pub is one that sells good beer...all the time...in a friendly and relaxed environment...this can be independent of the furnishings completely, its the mood that counts....but this is a very personal thing. Actually the York tried to be a blend between the modern and the traditional, hence the superb tables and proper chairs we bought, the exposure of the stones floors, the mosaic floor, the renovated polished wooden floor, ceiling covings, light fittings etc. The colour is a touch of the modern to contrast with those. At the beginning I visualized a totally old skool traditional pub, but later I realized there was little point in doing that, as Broomhill already has one. What we evolved into was a hybrid of old and modern...we tried to strike a balance for a lot of cross appeal. It seems to work, previously the York attracted 18-25 yr olds only, now we have 18 to 70 year olds in a good mix, and I measure the success of what we did in these terms. I did not want a pub full of just 18 to 25 year olds like Scream, but neither did I want a pub full of aged 40+ people only.....so hence we evolved in this way...


We are certainly far more 'traditional' than Scream Bars version of the York....by miles in fact, although we have not, as stated, tried to copy what you might call 'proper' traditional pubs like the Broomhill Tavern. ..

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