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The York, Broomhill, now open....Under New Management...


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You see to me, a traditional pub is one that sells good beer...all the time...in a friendly and relaxed environment...this can be independent of the furnishings completely, its the mood that counts....but this is a very personal thing.


I couldn't agree more. Two of my favourite pubs are the Dog & Partridge and Fagans. Great beer, great atmosphere - but bloody grotty!

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Ha ha! Precisely. Carling is hardly rocket science, but proper beer is a different story.


TOTALLY!! Its so easy to serve and keep keg lager, anyone can do it....now when it comes to proper cask ale, this is where so many people fall flat on their face. There is a real Art to keeping real ale, from the settling and racking, to the controlled secondary fermentation in the cellar at precisely the right temperature (even 1 degree wrong in either direction can cause certain ales to go cloudy). The tapping and venting is a skill few possess these days, its not just a whack with a hammer, there is respect for the ale involved too.


And then the dispensing. You dont just plug it in and pull a pint, you need to really check it so carefully prior to dispense, and ensure its 100% ready, sometimes it will need an extra day to finish secondary fermentation in the cask, other times just a few more hours to get it fully cleared in the cask. It is not easy to serve 'proper' beer, I assure you! And unlike keg lager that can sit happily in a keg for several months, a cask ale has a very short shelf life, so you have to be on top with stock rotation and control all the time.....A fine Ale needs to be prepared in the cellar at just the right time in its life cycle, to ensure when it arrives in your pint glass its at the peak of its perfection, and not too early, and certainly not too late!!!


Lager is plug N Play....a cat could do it....its devoid of any art....

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I've been a big fan of real ale for many years now...

I'm happy to find a pub nearby with a decent selection of ales and have been sampling quite a few of them over the last weeks :)


And we will continue to provide a truly mouth watering selection of great ales from all over the UK, plus some classic local ales too! Latest line up of great cask ales at the York over Xmas include the Xmas special editions Wychwood Winters Troll, Hydes Rockin' Robin', and the immortal Rudolph's Ruin!!! Plus Adnams broadside, Shepherd Neame Spitfire, Fullers London Pride, local brew Five Rivers, and the great sounding Goat Flush Ale!!


Up and coming over Xmas too are Abbeydales Hells Bells, York Ghost, local ales Slaker and Eclipse Porter from the Brew Company, Old Speckled Hen, Ghost on the Rim, and all kinds of exciting sounding ales coming in January so watch this space...even a beer after my own name, Golden Fleece, which I must say I am looking forward to trying..(Dents Brewery)


the web page lists all our current ales and is updated every few days...


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I called in for a beer for the first time yesterday. I didn't mind the colour scheme - the o/h hated it! Nice pub though, with a very friendly atmosphere - complete with a dog going round everyone's tables for a nosey and a scrounge of crisps/nuts. I had a pint of Rockin' Robin - darker than I'd normally go for but very tasty and well kept. Hopefully be back over Christmas for a few more.


Basically, good work! Nice pub, nice beer, nice atmosphere. :thumbsup:

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Nice pub though, with a very friendly atmosphere - complete with a dog going round everyone's tables for a nosey and a scrounge of crisps/nuts. Basically, good work! Nice pub, nice beer, nice atmosphere. :thumbsup:


The dog was Emma, also the Dove and Rainbow Pub dog, its a kind of timeshare arrangement, and she is the friendliest dog in the world....EVER!:)

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Maybe you could commission an ale called 'Forum ale' or something similar.


Not a bad idea at all......the problem is though getting the 'right' type of ale and strength that has the widest cross appeal....some like it dark, some light it pale, some like it strong, some like weaker session ale formats, etc....but a Forum Ale would be the first time this noble internet establishment has had a beer named after it?

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