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The York, Broomhill, now open....Under New Management...


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Can you improve the house wine. The white was undrinkable, tasting of cider....really truly vile. I didn't think it possible to serve a drink worse than Its A Scream, but...

We aren't sure about the lilac, it really isn't very relaxing.

Sorry to be negative, you are doing a great thing.

Is your Sunday lunch really £2.50?

Good luck with the pub.


Will check this out, it is supposed to be a quality House wine.....we sold loads of it last night and no one complained.....

......can you remember which house white was served by Scream or was that not very nice to you? Do you have a preferred brand or type of house style wine? All our stock is our initial buy in to 'test the market'....all products can be changed according to feedback.......


LILAC: well you have to admit its better than doing it it Magnolia or something really dull or dark........

No Sunday lunches once we open the kitchen will be £5.50, the menu page has a fault when viewed in IE and the prices display in the wrong columns...try it in Firefox until I get to grips with it in the week....

All comments welcome, negative or otherwise, for this is the only way to learn and evolve.....


Take it from me the lilac, or to be technical, 'Purple Falls' to give it its correct colour name, will grow on you....we had the same comments at the Dove and Rainbow, which we painted purple and black.......no one was sure about it at first......

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I didn't like the wine in Scream. I'm quite fussy, but it was like cider, it was the house white.


It is difficult to get a good wine in most pubs and means we avoid pubs if i can't get a decent drink...such as the Fox and Duck.


The tav do a passable pinot grigio.


I guess it comes down to the price range. Maybe next time we'll buy a bottle of the Pinot Grigio, it might have been a safer bet or i'll go back to gin and tonic to be safe.


I am looking forward to seeing it evolve it is great what you are doing.


I take it the masking tape will come down too (there is still a lot in the toilets).

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I didn't like the wine in Scream. I'm quite fussy, but it was like cider, it was the house white.

It is difficult to get a good wine in most pubs and means we avoid pubs if i can't get a decent drink...such as the Fox and Duck.

The tav do a passable pinot grigio.

I guess it comes down to the price range. Maybe next time we'll buy a bottle of the Pinot Grigio, it might have been a safer bet or i'll go back to gin and tonic to be safe.I am looking forward to seeing it evolve it is great what you are doing.

I take it the masking tape will come down too (there is still a lot in the toilets).


Well Pippadoll, feel free to come and have a chat with me if you want to discuss the wine at all, we can always improve the range.....we sold crates of it last night though.....it flew out...but I do appreciate many peoples taste in wine is very different.....actually we have 4 types of house wine including a Pinot Grigio too, but it may not have been obvious on the back display that first night


Girls toilets, yes a few little bits still to attend to, all jobs to be completed over next few days.......we opened with a real last minute rush at 1.30 pm yesterday, literally 30 minutes before that it was still a building site!!!!!!

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I'm tempted to go back into the york to see if it can live up to its time as a scream pub. Admittedly the beer didn't taste great but it was reasonable and pretty damn cheap. What lagers are you offering atm?? If its the usual suspects then I think you should broaden your appeal. I'll definitly check it out if you've got some nice and unusual beers on tap.

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Went in last night and was very disappointed. It looked unfinished and some of the chairs were so dusty you could write your name on them. Decent beer but over-priced. Had one pint then decided the Fox and Duck remains Broomhill's best pub.


Decent beers and quite standard prices.....F&D is Broomhill's only cheap pub, which doesn't necessarily make it the best.


I think the York is unfinished.....but touching up a pub after it's opened is quite okay; each day they stayed closed was costing them money after all.


Staff were friendly, and at least now the York is once again a pub where we're wanted, which wasn't the case when it was a Scream bar.



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Went in last night and was very disappointed. It looked unfinished and some of the chairs were so dusty you could write your name on them. Decent beer but over-priced. Had one pint then decided the Fox and Duck remains Broomhill's best pub.


It is not 'finished', but will evolve over time, as all pubs do. We still have to do the wall decorations, chalk boards, posters, take out some external Scream signs that the builders forgot to remove, more exterior painting (if it EVER stops raining!) etc, just ran out of time on opening day. There is much more to go in yet, but just had to get the doors open as it was already 7 days late opening due to building works delaying the start. Also we had so much work to do inside due to the hidden problems discovered with things like the Bar which was literally rotting from the inside out, the time scales we allowed for refurb were simply not nearly long enough. But it will evolve over the next week or so into something more finalized......


The prices are fairly standard for Broomhill, but obviously more than a Scream Pub which was ridiculously cheap with a yellow card. Nothing we can do about that I regret to say, we are bound by suppliers prices and have to reflect those. As for the chairs being dusty, we use contract cleaners and they must have overlooked some areas, I will pull them up on that. If you bring these things to my attention it is good...the furniture was all new and had been in storage in back rooms until we opened, and should have been dusted down properly....

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I have been quite excited about the refurb/restoration of the York. Mainly because I get annoyed at the way people rip the soul out of old pubs. I've watched the clips on the site and was encouraged by your talk of resotration and real beer.


I've been in and there's much to commend. I admire what you've been doing, but I have to agree with the person who posted regarding the paint colour. You say it worked in the Dove and it'll work there. Thing is, I don't come to the Dove that often, in spite of liking the beer you have on - I just prefer a reasonably comfortable pub with a more trad feel. I'm not some kind of throwback either! I like the fact that the Dove does what the Dove does - it's just not really for me - I might stop off for a single pint between visits to The Dog and Partridge and walking down to the riverside area.


Whilst doing the refurb, you made much of the fact that this wasn't such a 'niche' pub and you made much of the fact that you were horrified by the bastardisation of a nice building with the original bits having been covered up. I suppose I expected the refurb to be sympathetic to the period of the building. It's embarrassing buying magnolia paint as it long ago became a byword for boring, but perhaps that's what the York needed!?! Some of my fabourite pubs are old hotel-type pubs, such as the Bath Hotel or the Brunswick Hotel in Derby (or I suppose the Rutland). Now, the Bath is a case in point, having been redone in recent years. I love sitting in that blue room - I wouldn't do my house like it, but it's a nice environment (and I know he's got the mirror and the windows which he was obviously going to include). It's a bit of a gem and I am happy to spend hours in there. It also appeals to old and young alike, smart-dressers and 'alternative' looking types. It would feel less welcoming in 'purple falls', I feel.


The new York is clearly a mix of a labour of love and a business expansion (you have to be serious to be expanding in the current climate) but I just wonder if your hippyish/rocker leanings have meant you have picked the purple from your own taste rather than thinking what the potential clientele might want? Will you not alienate a section of perfectly nice Broomhill folk (I must admit I don't actually live in Broomhill)?


Sorry to go on. I have considered that maybe you know best and that's why you've got pubs and I haven't, but I thought I'd pass on the comment. Maybe you could break up the purpleness by having different sections a different colour? White? I think I'm more likely to want to sit in the flagstoned bit and have my Sunday dinner while watching the Broomhill world go by if it ain't so purple.


That's it. Otherwise, keep up the good work. Fine pint of Five Rivers. Looking forward to hearing the jukebox too.


Best of luck



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I've been in and there's much to commend. I admire what you've been doing, but I have to agree with the person who posted regarding the paint colour. I suppose I expected the refurb to be sympathetic to the period of the building. It's embarrassing buying magnolia paint as it long ago became a byword for boring, but perhaps that's what the York needed!?!


The new York is clearly a mix of a labour of love and a business expansion (you have to be serious to be expanding in the current climate) but I just wonder if your hippyish/rocker leanings have meant you have picked the purple from your own taste rather than thinking what the potential clientele might want?

That's it. Otherwise, keep up the good work. Fine pint of Five Rivers. Looking forward to hearing the jukebox too.

Best of luck



Hi Moopind. Some very good points you raise. The problem was I really DID want to do it all as a real old skool traditional pub with magnolia walls, etc, but then decided against it as it would have been such a total and dramatic change to the Scream pub, I thought I would soften it a bit and create something a little bit 'funkier', for a want of a better word. I needed to create something that appealed to both students, ie 'the funky side, and previously alienated locals who hated the student dominated Scream Pub. So it was very difficult indeed to really visualize......and the York is such a huge pub now since it was extended.


I did not want to re-create the Nottingham House or the Broomhill Tavern, so it was quite difficult to strike a balance between restoration of some original features and traditional elements but without going too far....all feedback is appreciated, we may break up some of the purple later and go more trad in the front rooms perhaps......taking on board all comments.


We uncovered the 1970's red pattern wallpaper in what was part of the old back room (now the girls toilets), which had been part painted and part plastered over, and I was so tempted to do a wallpaper job in the front rooms to create a real Victorian mood, but thought perhaps a little too extreme........

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