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Unwanted currency - to charity?

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While tidying today, I found about £6 worth foreign currency. Feeling in a generous mood (;)) I decided it would be a good idea to donate it to charity. I know at the airports they have chests where you can throw in your unwanted currency - but is there any where in Sheffield that you can do the same?

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Errrm nope but at ASDA in Handsworth they have a little machine which works out how much money you have in foreign currency and gives you an ammount to spend in store...I think!!!


I was just walking past it and caught a few words off the side of the machine. I've probably got the wrong end of the stick lol!


On the aeroplanes they show you a video with some charitable cause on it, then come round with bags and you can put any currency in.

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On the aeroplanes they show you a video with some charitable cause on it, then come round with bags and you can put any currency in.

It would cost me too much to go on a plane just to donate £6


(ignore me :P)

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