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Volunteering Rant!

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I have offered my services to the Sheffield Childrens Hospital and been rejected because I am 3 months too young! I am appauled!


I bet the "Volunteering coordinator" didn't read past the first line of my long email...


Dear Sir/Madam

I am writing to you to offer my sevices as a volunteer. I am a 16 year old student....






So much for encouraging those who want to help.... :cry:

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How come I was allowed to volunteer at a Primary school then? I was 15 when I did that.


And DB, she didn't say a word about it being to do with Insurance policies. She stated that she couldn't take me on because I was not 17 years of age.


I'll forward you the email.

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just ask them why you need to be 17 Caprice.


Have done. Doubt I'll get a reply. I said that it was a shame young volunteers weren't encouraged to help out in projects they feel passionately about.




Does anyone else have any volunteering ideas that would be relevant to me?


I want to do something with English....teaching...that sort of field. I have taught in a Primary school before, but I also want to show that I am adaptable and can teach in different situations and environments.

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There's an asylum seekers help organisation in Sheffield, can't remember the name but it's run by Jim Steinke. I'm sure they'd love to have people helping out with English teaching. Do a search on google for Jim's name and I'm sure you'll get some hits giving the name of the association and contact numbers.

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Thanks to maxt and Blondee for some help and ideas!


I have thought of helping with asylum seekers, but feel that I would be a little out of my depth because I don't know any of their first language.


I could possibly help French people who are coming to Sheffield. (Having done the GCSE and starting the A level) But I don't think there's that much of a demand really!


I'm taking a look at the VAS site right now. Will post if I find anything suitable. Thanks!

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