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Does Anyone remember Pete Morton?


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HI Angilaruk

I new Pete we played in the same football team for Sanderson's on Newhall Rd, His Sister Barbara was in the same class as me at school.

I have a photo of the football team and Pete is on it ,if you would like a copy just let me know


Hi Joe Snr


Thanks for your response, it's good to hear from people who knew him. Wayne says he would love a copy of the photo you have, although we have a copy of one already from the school football team, so if this is a different photo, both Wayne and Pat would appreciate it. I don't know if you recall another of his brothers Harry? He passed on earlier this year.




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i left in 1958 because of 3day week did Jim Goodwin work in the gear Dept

Tiny Roper was one of the men i remember most he worked in the file dept as a

file hardener the goal keeper was called Harry


Yes I remember Tiny Roper.His shop was close to the time office.He was the only man I knew who could hold a hot round file in his hand.Better stop this now and get back to the original subject.

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The photo i have is when we played for Sanderson's i think Pete worked in the

Mill or the Forge at the time


Ho Joe Snr


We don't have that photo, so a copy of it would be most appreciated, I will PM you regarding it.


Once again thanks, you're a star, Pat & Wayne will be over the moon :thumbsup:



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