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The who can tell


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Just to jog a few memories if I remember right.


The name of the road from Carlisle Street up the hill joining up with Grimesthorpe road was Carlisle Road.


At the bottom was the 'Alex' favourite haunt of the Firth Brown night boozer's 'Shaker Band'. Who remembers that fine musical group?


Further up the hill was The Crown and up Botham Street at 33 was the 'Who Can Tell'.


I was told the name came from a well used phrase in the area-'A slice will never be missed off a well cut loaf' Whatever that means is still a mystery to me.


On Grimesthorpe Road there was the Hodson Hotel and then the Wellington Inn.


Down Clevedon Street was the Prince of Wales, a pub that often ran out of beer when I knew it.


The Dolphin was at the bottom of Draper Street with the Albion on the other side of the road on Adsetts Street.


Other pubs in the near vicinity were the Bowling Green Hotel and The Beehive on Upwell Lane, The Ball, The Sheffield Arms (where the famous Jungle Juice was sold) and the Upwell inn were on Upwell street.


Hope this stats up a few grey cells working as our tv friend Poirot always says.


Happy days! PopT

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It was at 132 Upwell street situated between Chambers Lane and Carlisle Street nearly opposite the Sheffield Arms.


Hope this helps you Cat 631, there's benn 1 0r two wars since it was there.



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