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Does Anyone Remember "Jungle-Juice"?

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I remember in the 80s working with a few "Oldies", Blokes who were in their 40s and 50s and to a 20 plus like me, they seemed ancient.


We were in a pub one lunch time and we were discussing various beers that were sold in and around Sheffield such as Wards and Magnet and John Smiths, and one of the old `uns piped up and told me about a beer that was known by heavy drinkers as Jungle juice.


According to this 45 year old walking fossil, the drink was called jungle juice because one pint would have the most decent and staid of individuals swinging from the light fittings and gibbering like a monkey, two pints would have him bellowing like a freshly gelded hippopotamous and any more than about five pints would have him promptly arrested and thrown into the nearest nick, to be held there until a zoo would accept him into its ape enclosure.


He also went on to tell me that the drink was banned because of the trouble it caused and after the drink stopped being available, the doctors surgerys became full of middle aged blokes with extreme constipation.


The beer was said to be an excellent laxative and after years on the stuff, peoples bottys became so accustomed to passing what was basically liquids that when the "laxative" was stopped, their bum-bums were unable to deal with "Solid" waste.



Sadly I was too young to have experienced Jungle juice or be party to any of the interesting side effects that it brought, but is there anyone out there who remembers it? Have you had the pleasure of this beverage? Were you locked away in the local nick because of it?


Did you have the extreme constipation when it was banned....?

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I can recall my male family members referring to such a drink back in the 1940-50's but, I never saw anyone actually drink the stuff. To be quite honest, because they spoke of it in a humourous manner I thought it was to describe any of the beers around Sheffield at the time which had the strong laxative effect which blokes always seemed to think funny.

I remember the look on my father's face when he took a sup of a newly-pulled pint and he'd remark, "It's like b****y Jungle Juice that b****r".



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If I remember rightly wasn't Barley Wine and Gold Label the same type of drink?

I recall my mother being confused that she felt "off" when she'd "only had a couple of Barley Wines and 3 Gold Labels".

Needless to say, I don't drink any alcohol at all, I've seen the effects of it.

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