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Does Anyone Remember "Jungle-Juice"?

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I remember that stuff when we got demobbed in Newton Abbot, down Torquay way. There was this big one story boozer right down on the harbour, you could walk around it. They sold this cider, never had nothing like it before or since, it was a light green in color, as rough as a bears ass, and as flat as a pancake. I think it was about sixpence (old English money) then, for a pint. Two was the limit, after that you didn't function right.


It was called 'Scrumpy'!


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When I first went to live in Poole in Dorset in '66 'scrumps' was 9d a pint, lovely stuff brewed by Bulmers 3 or 4 pints and you were done for, not surprising really as it has the strength of wine which is what it is basically.The stuff I drank was orangy in colour and medium sweet. Should be drunk in smaller glasses really.

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when I started dring beer, 60 yrs ago Jungle Juice was Stone´s best bitter and Queens was brewed by Whitbreads


Hi All

Jungle Juice wasnt Stones Best bitter it was called something like Stones special bitter and was brewed BEFORE the second world war, there was no surviving recipe at stones brewery but what they told me after enquiring about there "Jungle Juice" i was told it was just there strong beer ie if there best bitter was a 1040 there "Jungle Juice" may well have been 1055-60 so if a person was used to drinking four pints of best bitter and one Saturday night drank four pints of "Jungle Juice" he may well be swinging from the rafters,


Percy 60yrs ago Queens beer was brewed by Tenents which was my favorite beer the reason i am saying this is that apart from Gold Label Whitbreads in Sheffield could not brew a cup of tea with a typhoo T bag and hot water


No disrespect to the brewer Whitbread policy

Edited by kidley
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Queens was brought back in the 80's and was difficult to keep. When it was off it was fish and chips vinegar. When it was on, it was really on and as a laxative it was up there with Sam Smiths and Senna. Lovely drink.



I know it tasted nothing like the original though mores the pity i tasted it in Whitbreads before it went on sale it was tasteless and i told them so but i think they knew that

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  • 7 years later...
No, but why did he get the name 'alpine';



As I remember, he was called Alpine Albert because in one of the bad winters we had in the 60s he came to work on skis, skiing down Rutland Road. Hence the name Alpine...

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Once got drunk on barley wine . Was out with a few older friends who liked it , anyway it got introduced into the rounds and every round after that . I felt ok but when I got out of bed at 5am for work , my legs buckled under me and I crawled back into bed and spent the day there . Never drunk it since but even now as I type this , I can still taste it

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I lived in Preston in the mid 70's and was introduced to Boddingtons Winter Brew. Pubs would only sell it by the half pint. Tasted great, went down great. Was at least 8% so 4 or 5 pints was lethal.

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I lived in Preston in the mid 70's and was introduced to Boddingtons Winter Brew. Pubs would only sell it by the half pint. Tasted great, went down great. Was at least 8% so 4 or 5 pints was lethal.


My Bold


Thats about what the diluted gold label barley wine is know.

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