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Are men and women able to be just friends?

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What is it though?




Isn't that just taking friendship to a physical level?


Can you see how this just leads to more and more questions?






I can see how this leads to more questions, indeed.


No need to shout. *gives you a mild relaxant*

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I have more female than male friends and always have and I do ok.


Apart from the constant talking and having the wee extracted...


Once a blokes known a woman for more than a few months she stops being sexually attractive to him and simply becomes a person who he likes- thats how it is with me anyway.

I think that works both ways round, with a number of my male friends I think I was quite keen on them at first and then the friendship deepened and now we are great friends and I no longer want to go there. This is especially true with friends who are married because you know realistically it's not going to happen- wrong time wrong place etc but why spoil a true friendship by letting sex get in the way. As someone else says we can't explain why it happens with certain people, I think pheromones have a lot to answer for:D

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Some of my/our female friends can be induced into being flirty. Doesn't mean I'm going to roger 'em on sight!

Some are purely platonic friends. Doesn't mean I wouldn't - JUST THAT i SHOULDN'T!! (And perhaps, in conscience, couldn't).

Some are beyond such considerations - however attractive; it'd be like - like doing it with a relative!

There are matters that I PREFER to discuss with a woman - as long as it does'nt involve money, cars or multi-tasking!! ;)

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yeah but you might want a change of oil sometimes- to quote a soon to be not a male friend of mine.:hihi:


Oh, my female friends are more than qualified for vehicle maintenance, but doesn't mean I want them to service my car. Sounds like you soon to be ex friend wanted to give you a service to me :hihi:

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