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British restaurant near the city hall


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I remember going to the British Restaurant next door to the City Hall and having a rib sticking meal. It was very dark, noisy and sparcely decorated. British restaurants were built to feed the folk who were bombed out of their houses. When did it close down?

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Bede----I can't remember that one [ exactly where was it ?] but I do remember a similar one on Pond Street-----about half way along on your left as you walked from the post office towards Howard St.

That , too , was very basic and the food was similar to what they were serving up for school dinners at that time. I don't think they were solely for people who were bombed out but that might have been the original reason for creating them. I went in the Pond St. one about 1945-6 [?]. I think all the meals were one price and very cheap.

If they were only for bombed out people , perhaps my parents went in "unofficially ". !

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Originally posted by Bede

I remember going to the British Restaurant next door to the City Hall and having a rib sticking meal. It was very dark, noisy and sparcely decorated. British restaurants were built to feed the folk who were bombed out of their houses. When did it close down?


Bede, I remember going in the British Restaurant with my Dad in the late fifties, He was manager of Tom's hairdressers on Charles St. I don't think it was exclusively for the "bombed out" people ( I'm not 100% certain on this ) I think it was just so the people could have a good square meal at a fair price. It used to be good wholesome food as I remember. You can just see it on http://www.picturesheffield.com/database_search.php

if you search in the "C" s it shows it on picture no.y01289, It was on the left hand side of the city hall at the end of Division St next to the bank. I can't remember the date of closure but I think it was closed in 1960

hope this helps


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I remember it...a prefab building behind the water company buillding [later NUM HQ} next to Andrews the stationers.


Went in there for a lunchtime meal a few times in the late fifties, cheap and cheerful, - but good grub. Much better than school meals in those days ;)

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Originally posted by deecee

Bede, I remember going in the British Restaurant with my Dad in the late fifties, He was manager of Tom's hairdressers on Charles St. I don't think it was exclusively for the "bombed out" people ( I'm not 100% certain on this ) I think it was just so the people could have a good square meal at a fair price. It used to be good wholesome food as I remember. You can just see it on http://www.picturesheffield.com/database_search.php

if you search in the "C" s it shows it on picture no.y01289, It was on the left hand side of the city hall at the end of Division St next to the bank. I can't remember the date of closure but I think it was closed in 1960

hope this helps


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Originally posted by prioryx

I used to go to Toms barbers in the 50s I think the chap who I went to the most was called Bernard may be you knew him


Hiya prioryx,

yes I knew Bernard Pitts very well, He was my dad's mate as well as working at Toms, they used to garage their motorbikes in the same garage in Bromley Street and both families used to go out for a run on Sundays, obviously that being the only day off in those days. Bernard used to have a barbers shop on upperthorpe when Toms closed. He was a very nice bloke and a good mate to my dad. Thanks for remembering .



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