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The Playhouse -Stirrings in Sheffield

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Any one ever go to the Playhouse to see "The Stirrings in Sheffeild on Saturday Night"?


I can still remember the tune to the song, well the first line anyway.


Must have been the sixties.


I recently bought a copy of the script, although I have'nt read it yet.

I went to see stirrings at the playhouse with my mum, one of my mates was a junior actor in it.

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Am I imagining or did Tony Capstick record the Grinders song on the B side of his one hit ' Capstick comes home'? I'm sure he recorded it somewhere.

I think tony actually wrote the songs, and maybe even collaborated with the script?

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  • 4 weeks later...

In response to Hazel, there was a performance at Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet of an historical musical but it wasn't the Stirrings. It was written by Kevin McKenna who worked at the Drama Studio near the University and also at The Crucible. I seem to remember Tony Capstick being involved somewhere along the line. It might have been called 'Grinders' Grudge'.

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Any one ever go to the Playhouse to see "The Stirrings in Sheffeild on Saturday Night"?


I can still remember the tune to the song, well the first line anyway.


Must have been the sixties.


I recently bought a copy of the script, although I have'nt read it yet.


I saw it at The Playhouse in the mid sixties. It was fantastic at the time. Dorothy Vernon and Roderick Horn played the minstrels. The music was by Roderick Horn I believe. Wilfred Harrison played Bill Broadhead, as did I in an amateur production years later.

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Yes I saw the original production at the old Playhouse many years ago, and I still have the EP (remember them?)of the music,the Royal George pub in Carver St referred to was still standing then or was it being demolished?,whatever,prior to the opening some publicity photographs were taken of the actor playing the principal character amidst the ruins.

I also attended the revival of the production at the Crucible when Rony Robinson did some work on it.

Was the perpertrator of the outrages called William Broadhead?,my ageing memory is floundering a bit on this!



That's right Harlan - he was William Broadhead and he always signed his threatening letters 'Mary Anne'. He was a real person of course in the Sheffield of the1860's.

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  • 1 month later...
Yes, I attended the Playhouse Theatre to see The Stirrings but can't remember too much about it. There was an actor at that time at The Playhouse called Christopher Wilkinson, who was very good but whether he had a part in that, I'm not sure?

I remember a Tyneside equivalent of that time: "Close The Coalhouse Door" (1969) with John Woodvine. I thought that was musically ahead of The Stirrings.



I saw Close The Coalhouse door at the old Leeds Playhouse. Afraid I like Stirrings better.

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Alan Cullen wrote children's Christmas plays for the Playhouse for many years during my childhood - oh, so many years ago now!


Trudi and the Minstral, John Willy and the Bee People and Island of the Winds (With Ann Stallybrass as Depression Number Three) are the ones I remember well.



There was also 'Listen to the trains love'.

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