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The Playhouse -Stirrings in Sheffield

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I saw the original at the Playhouse, went with my mum because a mate who was an actor in it got us free tickets, his name was Terry King, I think his flat mate Jeff Rawles was in it too, he later achieved a measure of TV stardom as Billy Liar.

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I went to see the original at The Playhouse, a mate who was in it called Terry King got me and my mum free tickets. He was sharing a flat with Jeff Rawles at the time who I think was also in it and went on to acheive TV stardom as Billy Liar.

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Now my memory is in gear, the music was I think Roderick Horne, and the EP just features him singing alone,the main songs, to his own guitar accompaniment,...


I went to a history event in Conisborough a couple of months back and met an old chap who claimed he used to be on Golden Shot and that he wrote the songs in 'Stirrings'. I didn't catch his name but I've no reason to think he was making it up. Must have been Roderick Horne.

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I too first saw 'The Stirrings' at the old Playhouse - the original production in 1966 (from which I got my lifelong love of theatre) and again in 1968, and the two Crucible productions (the most recent one was NOT inspiring, I felt, to put it mildly). There was an LP produced for the 1st Crucible revival, with the Crucible, not the original cast: my elderly mother had it, not sure if she still has. I loved the local accents and street names that I knew, the wonderful folk song (if you could call them that) arrangements, the mixed stories of the union atrocities, the founding of the Sheffield Telegraph and the installing for the first time of gas and sewage supplies (the memorably catchy song, 'Ah, progress' was connected with this) and the hilarious associated hole-digging scene. One of the great regrets of my life was disposing of all my Playhouse programmes in a youthful clearing-out fit - if only I'd kept them! But I THINK one of the original performers (who sang 'Bird in a Gilded Cage' in the music hall section was a woman called Dorothy Vernon. (Never heard of her since - if I've got the name right!)


Jude B

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I think Dorothy Vernon was part of the Playhouse Company. I have a vague recollection of seeing her in a childrens Christmas Play at the Playhouse which our saw on a school trip. This must have been sometime between 1958 and 1962 so if she was in the original Stirrings she was with the Playhouse Company for quite a while

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