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How would you deal with this liar?

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A certain person who is in our social crowd( not forum) seems to be telling big fat lies its not hurting anyone but we can't work out why he is doing it,we are quite happy to be friends with him he doesn't need to impress us.

His claims are quite fantastic, for example he misses the fact that people don't approach him for his autograph anymore! he is head of a wealthy family( not english) yet he lives in a grotty flat in a not very nice area of town, perhaps we are wrong in assuming he is lying but google searches using his said name and various things he has said bring up nothing. I just wondered what people thought .... shall we just see how silly these lies are gonna get we don't want to fall out with him we just want him to stop trying to impress us with all the rubbish he is coming out with.


I have a mate who's a compulsive liar, just challenge their lies constantly with further questioning or disregard.

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Sounds like a bloke who frequents my local pubs. Claims to have been the Recorder of Liverpool, a barrister, a company director but he spends most of his time drunk as a fart and the only "work" I've ever seen him do was when he was selling knock-off sausages from a carrier bag.

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hmm, i too have a mate who is going to canada to be a tree feller/ lumberjack, and to practice he told us he bought a £80 chainsaw from B&Q. his brother lives in eastbourne in a 7 bedroom house in its own grounds and he has just recently finished an internet course on plumbing and he is now Corgi Registerd, still working the same cra job as me tho....


i just play along with him and watch him dig himself deeper and deeper. It is sad tho cos everyone knows he is lying but he still insists on making more and more outlandish claims...


maybe .......


we can get all the compulsive liars together and put them in the same bar on a saturday night and do a documentary or something ....watch it back later and it would make amazing viewing....


im starting to challenge my friend and soon i will tell him i know he is lying and to try to stop making a fool of himself.....

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A certain person who is in our social crowd( not forum) seems to be telling big fat lies its not hurting anyone but we can't work out why he is doing it,we are quite happy to be friends with him he doesn't need to impress us.

His claims are quite fantastic, for example he misses the fact that people don't approach him for his autograph anymore! he is head of a wealthy family( not english) yet he lives in a grotty flat in a not very nice area of town, perhaps we are wrong in assuming he is lying but google searches using his said name and various things he has said bring up nothing. I just wondered what people thought .... shall we just see how silly these lies are gonna get we don't want to fall out with him we just want him to stop trying to impress us with all the rubbish he is coming out with.


Good old Walter Mitty. There are loads about. If you value this person as a real friend, then you have to say something to him.


I knew a kid once who reckoned on that he'd done/got all sorts. He'd been in Bosnia, owned two restaurants, got five balls and the bonus on the lottery, kept a Bentley in a 'safe garage' (whatever he thought one of those would be), and countless other snippets of rubbish.


By the time all the nonsense he'd been talking got round, he was simply a laughing stock. He rushed into the local betting office to proclaim he'd got a 'red hot tip' and was 'dumping on it' (parlance for a damn big bet).


I saw the slip he wrote out, and it was for 25p E/W. The horse was only 9/2. The final snip was when I saw him about to sign on. He didn't know I worked in that office, so I pulled him to one side and (sincerely) reminded him of the consequences of benefit fraud ......


We had a few pints just after I finished work that day ......


Nip what you can in the bud - he'll never be able to back track, so don't let him have a longer trail of lies. Either that, or let him have enough rope to hang himself.

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some yrs ago an old guy we use to know told us things like he was a millionaire

we didnt belive him he was always scruffy loking and his clothes was filthy

he use to work in a firm and walk around the streets with a little case on an old make sift trolly . his name was herbert and we never paid him any mind just thought he was a billy lier. yrs later when the old guy had passed on he left an estate of just over 1.2 mill

the moral of this story never judge a book by its cover .

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