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Ignorant/Rude Shop Assistants

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I need to get something off my chest...:rant::rant:


I get very frustrated when I go into a shop, I have paid for my purchase and while I am trying to put the change back into my purse, the shop assistant has already called for the next person in the que!! I've never noticed it as much before, but lately it is really bugging me! I understand that shops get busy, but I am only asking for a couple of seconds to get myself organised.


Am I being mardy and over sensitive, or does this really bug any of you too? :huh:

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Yeah it's annoying. I remember once, I had a wallet which was really awkward to put card's etc in, and (dunno where I was) I purchased summat - same thing happened as you, I was in a bad mood, so when the bloke behind me said "scuse me mate" my reply was "F'in wait! "



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Yeah it's annoying. I remember once, I had a wallet which was really awkward to put card's etc in, and (dunno where I was) I purchased summat - same thing happened as you, I was in a bad mood, so when the bloke behind me said "scuse me mate" my reply was "F'in wait! "





haha oooerrr :hihi:

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A lot of people are very impatient these days, they don't like waiting in a queue. You just can't get the class of customer anymore, the ones that know what's expected of them.


You could try moving a couple of steps along out of the way, while you fiddle about with your change ...?? Just a thought ... :)

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You could try moving a couple of steps along out of the way, while you fiddle about with your change ...?? Just a thought ... :)


i normally fiddle with myself in shops


errrrrrrrrrrrrm i mean

i normally throw my stuff in bags as fast as my dry and slippery little fingers will open the bags and then grab em and move near the doors so ive got more time to put mi change away and sort misen out


supermarkets that is-----^

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yes dont you worry about it

when youve paid just hang about having a chat and making sure your all comfortable before setting off

nobody else is in a rush lol


on another note 1 thing that does bug me is the people in the cars that go to the carboots and sit in the traffic passing the signs that say admission £1 per car and wait untill they get to the front before the decide to go in there pockets for it


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