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Ignorant/Rude Shop Assistants

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Are you getting a little older? Possibly slower? To be honest I don’t see a difference in the speed, If anything its slower because they like to chat to much rather than put items through the till.


Have you ever stopped to think what she may have thought about you? As the saying goes, "If you want to know why people treat you as they do, look at the way you treat them."



Do you realize that you are replying to a post written 5 years ago ?

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You can have abit of fun while at the checkout, when someone is paying by card and does the "your not seen my pin number because I'm a millionaire" turn and quick look, look away as they hot the digits but focus both your eyes on the card console, that will make the worker behind the desk look at you suspicious.

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my mum does that too. it isn't restricted to "foreigners" you know.


I've done it several times, not when it's busy tho cos you do get some odd looks.


It does always make me laugh tho when you see people loading change into those machines they have for it, to get it changed back into notes minus a percentage for the service :nod:


The same machines are usually located a few feet away from the self serve place, where you can just pay for the stuff with the same change and not loose a percentage of the money :loopy::loopy:

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our local Co-op has a very rude assistant , when you put your hand out for your change she bangs is down on the counter,, very rude .


Do you think they pay their staff enough to be happy? £6.25 an hour...Merry Christmas.


I also have a general distain for people who go around slagging off shop assistants. Who knows for what reason they might not be jumping out of their skin with joy to serve you.



They're not actors, and they have to work...if something's gone off in their life they can't call in and say "I don't think I should come in today because I won't be able to dance a jig for every customer that comes in".


No, no no no no. From a customer perspective, if I see a miserable shop assistant I look upon it at a personal level and wonder what happened that made them feel that way.


Course some people would just call the manager straight away and complain that he wasn't grinning as he put the stuff through the till.


It's unfortunate that these days people forget people are actually people as opposed to a uniform.

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Having worked previously in retail I can tell you that rude/ignorant staff aren't half as bad as rude/ignorant customers, especially ones that believe that the store should extend it's opening hours & break the law just for them because they decided to start shopping 5 mins before closing time.

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There are too many people faffing in shops. If you are going to purchase something, have the means of payment ready. If you are half blind, have your reading glasses to hand so you don't have to crouch over the terminal, squint then key in the number wrongly three times causting further delays. It's the same principle on returning home. You wouldn't get to your front door and then start searching in your bag for the keys, gradually emptying the contents in the poaring rain to finally remember that the keys were in your pocket.

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People are essentially being rushed, because the shops want to save money on employing more staff and technology to optimise checkouts. It's not the person who is moving at his own pace, so as not to make a mistake that is at fault, it's the store owners.


Do not be rushed people, move at your own pace, if anyone has an issue with that, direct them to the store manager, with a suggestion that they employ more checkout staff.

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People are essentially being rushed, because the shops want to save money on employing more staff and technology to optimise checkouts. It's not the person who is moving at his own pace, so as not to make a mistake that is at fault, it's the store owners.


Do not be rushed people, move at your own pace, if anyone has an issue with that, direct them to the store manager, with a suggestion that they employ more checkout staff.


I know what you mean, putting your purse back in your bag...it's very complicated.


The thing is, you have to draw a line somewhere. Everyone understands that you should have everything you need ready to pay, I mean...chances are you've just been waiting in a queue to get served, do it then. Do it while you're waiting, don't just stand there staring into space like a gormless moron.


Just because you have nothing else to do with your day, doesn't mean those behind you are in the same boat.

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Conversely, a friend of mine was arrested due to a situation where he was harried and distracted by staff, and so left the store without paying (not intentionally shop lifting). So yeah, be prepared of course, but don't allow yourself to be rushed (in to making mistakes).

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