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Flu jab!! what's going on?

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Perhaps just a coincidence that you've got an unrelated virus around the same time as getting your flu jab? It's bound to happen to a few people.


My doctor told me that very thing when I asked about it. He said if you have these cold symptoms shortly after receiving the flu shot it was because you'd already been exposed to a cold virus and it has nothing to do with the shot. I've gotten my flu shot almost every year (with the exception of a couple when they were in short supply) for close to 20 years and I've never had any reaction whatsoever....except a sore arm for a few days.

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  • 3 years later...
It can take up to 10 days for the vaccine to fully 'take', so it could be that you've actually picked up a bit of a bug in the doc's waiting room!


Or it could be that you have a completely unconnected cold virus. The flu jab covers you for a whole load of flu viruses, but cold viruses are unrelated and can produce all of the same symptoms, although in a less severe form.


Most people who think they have the flu haven't got the flu at all, they have a cold virus.

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Or it could be that you have a completely unconnected cold virus. The flu jab covers you for a whole load of flu viruses, but cold viruses are unrelated and can produce all of the same symptoms, although in a less severe form.


Most people who think they have the flu haven't got the flu at all, they have a cold virus.


Most people who reckon they have flu just have a cold anyway. Proper flu will put you in bed and unable to get up for a couple of days at least. The best you can manage is the couch and Jeremy Kyle..


I get a reaction to the vaccine every year which is probably an immune system reaction to chickens which is what they use to culture the vaccine in (or so my doc says..) Lasts a day or so, no real drama. I used to get fllu most winters until I started with the vaccines ten or so years ago - never had it since then.

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Perhaps to remind people that it's flu season again and time to get a jab?


Thanks for the reminder. - I've been 'going to get one' for a few weeks ... I'll do it today.


But the 'new' OP wrote as though she was joining in a discussion that took place 3 years ago... Ye Gods! Some of the posters aren't even still active! Some may well be dead! You just write a new thread if you want your subject back on the map...

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