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Complaint about Leadmill bouncers


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Hmm I'm not sure whether the forum allows blatant naming and shaming and I also don;t know what sort of poll to make. 'Where's the worst door staff in sheffield?' or does that have too many options or 'opinions on leadmill doorstaff'. I do think most are w*nkers though. I've witnessed them do it loads, I saw someone get mugged (so did they) just before he entered the club his mates checked on him and cleaned him up then got in the queue with us, waited ages and they refused him entry. Despite the fact it wasn't his fault....why let him queue up?! Various other instances like forgetting your not allowed drinks outside and having them snatched out your hand and poured out etc etc. etc. They're just bullys bored at work.

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The security who looks to be more senior in years, not very tall, follically challenged and of err.. broad build (mainly in the lower torso region) is allegedly renowned for being obnoxious and prejudiced, I think he may have some issues, an old-dog-new-dog inferiority complex perhaps. I actually think the security there are mentioned in an Artic Monkeys song


I emailed and complained once about him, but it fell on deaf ears - we were a group on a reunion and included solicitors, a criminologist, a personal licence holder and a an MP (military police) - I think that place will finally sign its own death sentence and perhaps be re-born.

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The leadmill doorstaff or upthere if not worse than the ones at embrace nightclub. The bull dog looking one has ot be the worse followed bu the chap with grey hair. Neither can i say this is the first and i doubt the last thread on here about the doorstaff at leadmill.


Plug nightclub, now they have what i consider to be one of the best doorstaff in Sheffield along with West Street Live.

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Yeah that's what I call him lol, bulldog one.

Plugs bouncers aren't too bad there's a decent broadish white bloke I had a laugh with, a couple on the front are knuckledraggers. RSVP doorstaff are very unfriendly too. But vodka revs are good :thumbsup:

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I had an incident with the bouncers at the leadmill a few years ago, I had my drink spiked and passed out in the toilets, they forced the door and threw me out in the street. Luckily I had a friend with me, but the bouncers refused to call an ambulance, or keep an eye on me whilst she went to get our other friends out of the club. They automatically assumed I was drunk, which is possibly true of a lot of people, but not everyone (I was actually 24 at the time, not 18 like they thought! I also had only had a couple of drinks as I was breastfeeding my baby son and would not have drank any more than that). They also barred one of my friends for having a go at them about it all. Anyway, the ambulance came after my friend managed to borrow someones mobile to phone them, I was rushed to hospital and had my stomach pumped. The nurse on the ward told me she didn't think it was alcohol due to my reaction but nothing could be proven.

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I totally agree with the comments about the plug bouncers, they are sound and you feel alot safer there because of that. I definitely will not be going back to leadmill.


I normally go to plug or DQ anyway and it will stay that way! leadmill is loosing a lot of popularity, and I've noticed that bands don't go there as much as they used to either...


I have never in my life experienced anything like the trouble they caused me last night. Thank you all for your support

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  • 3 months later...

I had an experience almost identical to the original poster's story and the previously mentioned doorman was involved. However, I was accused of interfering with a barmaid. Now, despite my sheer disbelief at first, I was happy to discuss it; point out that perhaps there might have been some confusion somewhere down the line. I myself had been in the club the best part of ten minutes, and hadn't actually gotten beyond the main entrance once aside as I was waiting for some people further behind in the line to get in, so the notion of me even coming into shouting distance of a member of the bar staff was impossible. Although, I did think; okay, maybe a genuine mistake , maybe someone else was responsible and in some confusion a bouncer had misjudged the member of staff pointing someone out.


But, no, wouldn't listen at all. Was very difficult and judgemental and to be quite be honest, seemed to enjoy the whole thing.


I immediately, once home, drafted a letter of complaint to the manager. I was perfectly sober at the time as well, so within an hour or so of leaving the club I'd emailed off my complaint.


I received a reply relatively soon I suppose, defending the door staff's actions, relying on that old line of following procedure. That in itself, fair enough I think, but I just couldn't get over the fact that I really didn't do anything of the sort, and felt, with simply checking the CCTV, the fact I hadn't budged from the same spot for my entire (albeit short stay) in the place would prove my innocence. I brought this up with the manager in subsequent correspondence, first by asking if he could check contact the alleged victim of an assault (the member of bar staff) and look over the CCTV of me being removed to prove their had been a misidentification. Apparently, I was identified as the culprit. Although, that email came a bit too quickly after my suggestion of it...if you know what I mean.


Anyway, my this point, I was massively ****ed off. I'd been of sound mind, not intoxicated in the slightest and had a very vivid recollection of the night in question. So, feeling very ****** off I sent a further email to the club and told them I was prepared to take this further and that I'd be contacting the police and discussing what would need to be obtained from CCTV to work this out.


After that, I quickly got an email back saying they were willing to forgive and forget and tried to fob me off with some crappy offer of putting me on the guest list and a drinks voucher for a night of my choice as I clearly thought I'd been mistreated. Now...perhaps I'm being too cynical here, but surely, after pushing this enough, after having a member of bar staff allegedly point me out after this assault, surely they'd be steady enough in their case to not have a problem with further involvement and most certainly wouldn't want someone assaulting a member of staff returning to their establishment being fussed over.


Basically....I think the doorman are ******s to be quite honest, judging by the OP and things I've heard since, it sounds like a little ritual they have to liven up the night and it appears that the other members of staff are more than willing to cover for them.

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