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Complaint about Leadmill bouncers


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I've got a friend who used to suffer from fainting attacks (not sure if she knew the medical reason at the time) and in the Leadmil a few years ago, she turned to us and said she felt she was about to faint so as we took her outside, she was rapidly becoming weaker and despite us all insisting she wasn't drunk (she really wasn't!) and that she felt faint, the bouncers just wouldn't listen and virtually tossed her to one side to just get on with fainting!


I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt in that they've probably witnessed tons of drunk people passing out but it was frustrating for us given the fact that she wasn't just ****** and we were all compos mentis too!!

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Not had trouble with the bouncers there, but the last time I went to the Leadmill I had my leather jacket stolen from the cloakroom! Went at the end of the night to collect it and was told that it wasn't there - they had no idea where it had gone but I reckon either the idiotic cloakroom attendant gave it to someone who described it even though they didn't have a ticket, or else they stole it themselves. Complained and had several conversations with the management but they refuse to reimburse me. Can't believe they can get away with charging you money to look after your belongings and then refuse to admit responsibility when they go missing! Shocking. Definitely won't be going back and my advice to you if you're going there is take an old jacket you don't care about cos the staff aren't to be trusted!


same thing happened to me, they lost my coat including house keys. Luckly the coat wasn't expensive and my house mate was in

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This is why I don't go clubbing, never have, and never will. Bouncers who think they're hard, and stupid overpriced drinks.


I'm sorry this happened to the OP.


Hm, I think you are missing out. This doesn't happen all the time and you don't have to go to Leadmill. I have been thrown out of clubs for absolutely no reason (because they felt like it I suspect) but that's no reason to exclude yourself.. I think you are being rather silly.


To threadstarter I agree that it is terrible.


I have never had any violence directed towards me. 99% of the time people will bring the violence on themselves and the bouncers will use reasonable force to remove trouble causing punters from the premesis and ensure they do not return. Before you think it, i'm not a bouncer btw.


You'd be surprised and when there is a real problem bouncers often use excessive force.

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