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Complaint about Leadmill bouncers


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Never had a problem with the bouncers at Leadmill. Respect them and don't act like a ****** up idiot. Its their call who they let in, if they don't want to let you in then get on with your life instead of demanding answers as they have no reason to give them to you. Even if you are sober, makes no difference, tough.


its not there call, they are there as security, they don't own the place! sure the owners would not want them turning people down on a power trip as thats less money in the till! people over state there job, security! thats it, should act as professionals but unfortunately most do seem to have a god complex, it has got better in recent years in sheffield as some companies are trying hard to clean up there image but there are still a lot of the old gangster wannabes kicking around.


I got turned down entry to embrace about 6months ago, just said it was dress code! yea right, I was smartly dressed, all designer gear, no hoods, no over stated football gear, no trainers, only thing I thought was I was maybe 10 years older than most others going in there and so did not fit into there typical client group! I would have accepted that if they said,,,,, did not argue as it gets you no where, i just took my money else where,,, and been a high earning professional thats more than the 18 year olds where likely to spend behind the bar! once again club owners lose out due god complex bouncers.

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Some door staff seem to forget their place in the scheme of life. They're no higher than the bar staff, the cleaners or the person serving you in MacDs. If they had any talent or business sense, they wouldn't be working the doors, would they? Some of them try to be professional but a lot of them are total nutjobs. I'm surprised that the club owners letting them get away with it, tbh. They're being paid to lose you money? :huh:

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i had a friend who went in with me about 6 months ago - and i left him at the bar for 5mins - next thing i knew i could see him being escorted out and they punched him outside. my friend said he did nothing and i believed him because although he was a scally he was always very honest.

since this incident my friend did his back in and ended up in hospital - in a rather unexplained illness. he was due to go in for brain scan this jan but died in bed in december. i know that the bouncers in leadmill had been rough with and not saying they caused this but i think their mindless violence is more serious than just casual fighting because they dont take into account that people might be ill in the first place like friend must have been. to top it all my friend was even shorter than me @ 5ft 6 tall - those bouncers @ leadmill are worse than thugs.

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They is defo not great people. The woman is good. She is a good woman. But there is men who are so bad. They chucked me out a year or so ago. My 'crime'? Dancing like an aeroplane!!! Unbelievable!

:loopy:Oh my Goodness, not dancing like an aeroplane...scandalous behaviour. Bring back Flares that's what I say!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Whilst I'm sure being a doorperson can be a difficult job, there's no excuse for some of the behaviour described on here.


I do believe that the owners of any establishment need to be quite prescriptive about the attitude they want their doormen to display. After all, in working there, the doorstaff are representative of the establishment as a whole.

We made it very clear that we wanted our door staff to be friendly, welcoming and non confrontational. However, they also know that their priority is to protect the safety and enjoyment of the customers and the staff. Behaviour in the venue that threatens either, is not tolerated but is handled initially with a warning. Continuation of poor behaviour results in being asked to leave. Refusal, will result in being 'assisted' in departure - but fortunately, this is rarely necessary.


Good doorstaff ensure that everyone has an enjoyable experience.

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