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Complaint about Leadmill bouncers


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Oooh i hope it does, i hate going there to watch bands.. mainly due to the door staff.

My friend had an incident with them several years back, we had met up to go to a gig which she was really looking forward to and had bought tickets months in advance. We hadn't even been to a pub before hand, but she was refused entry by the bouncers who argued (quite forcefully) that she was drunk and ordered to leave! By the time she had been home, changed and re-done her hair (which worked as she was let in with no issues next time :loopy:) she had missed most of the band. This is one, but not the only incident i've witnessed in that place, it's like roulette whether you actually get to see the band. I'm sure they have some kind of complex, it's pathetic.

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im with all on the 'leadmill bouncers are <removed> train......

the last time i visited the place (nearly 4 years since) i was waiting for my little sister at the end of the night to retrieve her coat from the cloak room as didnt want her to get lost or lose the group as she wasnt from sheffield, cut a longish story short i was asked to leave, i explained the situation, did not swear or show any sign of violent behaviour but was then accosted by 4 'bouncers' who preceded to pick me up by my arms and legs and throw me out the door and give me a bit of a kick to go with it......... never been back never will

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that big bouncer is a obnoxious <removed>, me and a couple of the girls went for my friends 19th and just because her driving license picture of her had blonde hair, he confiscated it and chucked us all out. she had other ID, (university student ID and Old College ID ) which had her name on but he would not accept at all. He was not allowed to take her ID! so we went to west bar police station and reported him. she had to wait 3 weeks for the return of her license. NONSENSE!!

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