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Complaint about Leadmill bouncers


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i know a few people who work doors in and around Sheffield... ...before the sia license came in the leadmill was well known for taking anyone on...and quite a few were there just "kick some heads in"


source: the man sat next to me...just told quite nonchalantly :help:

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I completely agree about the Leadmill bouncers.


Here is my story:


I was out with my friends enjoying a night out when I need to go to the toilet. As I was in the corridor, a fight kicked off between random people that I didnt know. As I tried to walk around the ruckus, a split second later the bouncers intervened and citizens arrested me and frog-marched me out of the club.


Afterwards, I was taken into the foyer and actually thrown against a wall, was told to have my arms where the bouncer could see them whilst I was "searched". After complaining for ages and trying to get back in, I was refused entry and told even though I wasn't anything to do with the fight, that it was in my best interests to leave otherwise the police (who were down the road) would arrest me.


So there I was with a bruised shoulder (for a week afterwards).


A couple of weeks after that incident we decided to go there (on a spur of the moment decision). As we got to the foyer, I was again grabbed and taken outside by the "Head Of Security" who thought that I was too ****** to go in. After proving that I was actually 100% sober and hadn't even been drinking (reciting alphabet backwards, walking in a straight line etc) he allowed me to rejoin the queue. Needless to say it was the same bouncer that ruined my shoulder.


Leadmill have lost a good customer of theirs in myself....

Rant over..

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I completely agree about the Leadmill bouncers.


Here is my story:


I was out with my friends enjoying a night out when I need to go to the toilet. As I was in the corridor, a fight kicked off between random people that I didnt know. As I tried to walk around the ruckus, a split second later the bouncers intervened and citizens arrested me and frog-marched me out of the club.


Afterwards, I was taken into the foyer and actually thrown against a wall, was told to have my arms where the bouncer could see them whilst I was "searched". After complaining for ages and trying to get back in, I was refused entry and told even though I wasn't anything to do with the fight, that it was in my best interests to leave otherwise the police (who were down the road) would arrest me.


So there I was with a bruised shoulder (for a week afterwards).


A couple of weeks after that incident we decided to go there (on a spur of the moment decision). As we got to the foyer, I was again grabbed and taken outside by the "Head Of Security" who thought that I was too ****** to go in. After proving that I was actually 100% sober and hadn't even been drinking (reciting alphabet backwards, walking in a straight line etc) he allowed me to rejoin the queue. Needless to say it was the same bouncer that ruined my shoulder.


Leadmill have lost a good customer of theirs in myself....

Rant over..


It's the only place I've ever had issues with the bouncers as well. If it was a decent place inside I might put up with them, but as its crap I certainly don't miss going there.


If just about every other bar in town can employ decent human beings as bouncers why can't Leadmill? I wonder if they know how much custom they have lost due to these retards on the doors.

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Nor me, and I've lost count of the number of times I've been there over the years, easily into 3 figures.


I'm not saying he isn't a thick meat headed knuckle dragger though. There are too many stories about him for at least some of them not to be true. And he does give that impression.

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I'd not long been in Sheffield and was on a works night out. I got talking to some randoms and the work people were heading to the next bar - I thought nothing of it as we were on West Street.


I followed them out after about 5 minutes and realised all the bars were closed, but remembered someone saying something about going to a 'Mill'?


I jumped in a cab and asked the driver if he knew what/where it was and he took me to the Leadmill.


I spoke to the bouncers about going to to find my friends, but he said I would have to pay (fair enough). I paid, went in, looked around and on seeing no one I recognised, I left.


The bouncer hailed me on the way out and got me a refund as I was obviously there for the reason I said.


The he offered to let me wait a bit in the foyer to see if my friends turned up.

He entertained me for a bit, then said 'Oh, I think your freinds have just arrived' - he'd recognised them from my description.


In the end, a lot of fun was had by all. I was thankful to the Door Supervisor and I have never had a bad experience.


He even hailed a cab for me when I left.

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You should give the bouncers a break they have a tough job, if they let the wrong people in it can turn out to be a crappy night for evryone.


They are bound to be a bit strung and stand for no nonesense, they get abuse thrown at them constantly.


So you got ejected big woop.

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