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Complaint about Leadmill bouncers


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You should give the bouncers a break they have a tough job, if they let the wrong people in it can turn out to be a crappy night for evryone.


They are bound to be a bit strung and stand for no nonesense, they get abuse thrown at them constantly.


So you got ejected big woop.

Not really there's no excuse for people to be a **** constantly, maybe if it was a one off but it's clearly not.


I've been countless times (a while back mind) and seen them at it regularly, never directly had a confrontation with them but would rather be elsewhere though...


Plug bouncers on the other hand are top blokes in my experience, got talking to one for a good while the other day (although he was agency supplied - maybe they all/most there are?).

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Been in Leadmill once, for a Monday night thing with our lass.


Towards the end of the night I was smacked from behind by someone, my initial reaction was to throw the little ******* across the room, this caused a fight amongst everyone behind us. The bouncers came running in, grabbed me and realised I was the one who got hit. So they helped me find him, saying that they would get the police to arrest him. They were very understanding and helpful!

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I'd not long been in Sheffield and was on a works night out. I got talking to some randoms and the work people were heading to the next bar - I thought nothing of it as we were on West Street.


I followed them out after about 5 minutes and realised all the bars were closed, but remembered someone saying something about going to a 'Mill'?


I jumped in a cab and asked the driver if he knew what/where it was and he took me to the Leadmill.


I spoke to the bouncers about going to to find my friends, but he said I would have to pay (fair enough). I paid, went in, looked around and on seeing no one I recognised, I left.


The bouncer hailed me on the way out and got me a refund as I was obviously there for the reason I said.


The he offered to let me wait a bit in the foyer to see if my friends turned up.

He entertained me for a bit, then said 'Oh, I think your freinds have just arrived' - he'd recognised them from my description.


In the end, a lot of fun was had by all. I was thankful to the Door Supervisor and I have never had a bad experience.


He even hailed a cab for me when I left.




Thats because despite what people are saying on here if your sound with them they are sound with you! fact :D

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Firstly I like the Leadmill bouncers!!


i have been going to leadmill religiously for 4years with different groups of friends.......i have NEVER had a problem with them!!!!!!


They have infact helped me look for a lost phone.

Let my friend stay behind to search for her lost house keys.

Removed somebody who had started on me without any reason.


I have not witnessed them be out of line with anyone!


Bouncers are rough!!! what do you want them to do hold you hand and say lets skip out together and have cup of tea and a chin wag about why your being a **** head?! NO - You are removed with acceptable force.


The people complaining about unfair removals ect and blah blah i was sober i hadn't touched a drop for one im pretty sure leadmill can keep running with out people who are SOBER and not PAYING for drinks!

The bouncers cant get it right everytime there are going to be occasions where they mistake people ect ....saying "err it want me in sober i dint do owt" is not going to get you back in because a guilty person would say the same!


They have a hard job i have witnessed one bouncer being kicked in the head while holding somebody in a restraint position who wether guilty or not had tried to leg it from a brawl....and they have the threat of that happening all the time!


They are not animals or yob and i actually like having a chat with them before i go into the club .....


Simple fact is if you behave keep your head down and dont chat back you will infact have a good night.


In reply to anyone moaning about how leadmills changed blah blah blah times have changed its not going to be the same as 50 years ago....


anyone who hasnt been in the last two years does not get to voice and opinion as your not informed enough to comment and quite frankly you dont drink there so it doesnt concern you.


I regard this place very highly i have spent every birthday there and have had so many good nights it really upsets me to hear you slating it. if you dont like it dont come! SIMPLE!!!


The leadmill was and still is sheffields number one music venue in my eyes look at the leadmill gig list and the line up for this summers festivals and have a game of pairs ... you will get a fair few!


The leadmill is legandary in sheffield and always will be perhaps it is time for a little face lift ....maybe its going to get one!!! Still a brilliant venue! and the bouncers are still not bleeding animals!!!!

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Firstly I like the Leadmill bouncers!!


i have been going to leadmill religiously for 4years with different groups of friends.......i have NEVER had a problem with them!!!!!!


They have infact helped me look for a lost phone.

Let my friend stay behind to search for her lost house keys.

Removed somebody who had started on me without any reason.


I have not witnessed them be out of line with anyone!


Bouncers are rough!!! what do you want them to do hold you hand and say lets skip out together and have cup of tea and a chin wag about why your being a **** head?! NO - You are removed with acceptable force.


The people complaining about unfair removals ect and blah blah i was sober i hadn't touched a drop for one im pretty sure leadmill can keep running with out people who are SOBER and not PAYING for drinks!

The bouncers cant get it right everytime there are going to be occasions where they mistake people ect ....saying "err it want me in sober i dint do owt" is not going to get you back in because a guilty person would say the same!


They have a hard job i have witnessed one bouncer being kicked in the head while holding somebody in a restraint position who wether guilty or not had tried to leg it from a brawl....and they have the threat of that happening all the time!


They are not animals or yob and i actually like having a chat with them before i go into the club .....


Simple fact is if you behave keep your head down and dont chat back you will infact have a good night.


In reply to anyone moaning about how leadmills changed blah blah blah times have changed its not going to be the same as 50 years ago....


anyone who hasnt been in the last two years does not get to voice and opinion as your not informed enough to comment and quite frankly you dont drink there so it doesnt concern you.


I regard this place very highly i have spent every birthday there and have had so many good nights it really upsets me to hear you slating it. if you dont like it dont come! SIMPLE!!!


The leadmill was and still is sheffields number one music venue in my eyes look at the leadmill gig list and the line up for this summers festivals and have a game of pairs ... you will get a fair few!


The leadmill is legandary in sheffield and always will be perhaps it is time for a little face lift ....maybe its going to get one!!! Still a brilliant venue! and the bouncers are still not bleeding animals!!!!


How long have you worked there?

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I have never had an issue with the Leadmill doorstaff, probably because I am a lot bigger than most of them, in fact they usually try and engage me in conversation while waiting to get in, but I know other people with bad experience of them. I remember hearing how some lads were kicked out for being drunk when celebrating a mates birthday, not causing trouble or spilling drinks or anything, just for being drunk (drunk in a night club on a mates birthday, whatever next....) but there were quite a few of these lads, more than the door staff realised at first and there was a bit of a stand off outside, with the doorstaff backing down and threatening to phone the police.


I know it is not an easy job, and I know some lads who were real old school, hard as nails doorman over the years, but were polite and friendly, and actually came across as more scary for that fact, that they never had to raise their voices or threaten people, because they had that quiet confidence that they would come out on top in any situation.

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The leadmill was and still is sheffields number one music venue


Write that down and mail it to 15 years ago


look at the leadmill gig list and the line up


I rest my case.....

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Firstly I like the Leadmill bouncers!!


i have been going to leadmill religiously for 4years with different groups of friends.......i have NEVER had a problem with them!!!!!!


They have infact helped me look for a lost phone.

Let my friend stay behind to search for her lost house keys.

Removed somebody who had started on me without any reason.


I have not witnessed them be out of line with anyone!


Bouncers are rough!!! what do you want them to do hold you hand and say lets skip out together and have cup of tea and a chin wag about why your being a **** head?! NO - You are removed with acceptable force.


The people complaining about unfair removals ect and blah blah i was sober i hadn't touched a drop for one im pretty sure leadmill can keep running with out people who are SOBER and not PAYING for drinks!

The bouncers cant get it right everytime there are going to be occasions where they mistake people ect ....saying "err it want me in sober i dint do owt" is not going to get you back in because a guilty person would say the same!


They have a hard job i have witnessed one bouncer being kicked in the head while holding somebody in a restraint position who wether guilty or not had tried to leg it from a brawl....and they have the threat of that happening all the time!


They are not animals or yob and i actually like having a chat with them before i go into the club .....


Simple fact is if you behave keep your head down and dont chat back you will infact have a good night.


In reply to anyone moaning about how leadmills changed blah blah blah times have changed its not going to be the same as 50 years ago....


anyone who hasnt been in the last two years does not get to voice and opinion as your not informed enough to comment and quite frankly you dont drink there so it doesnt concern you.


I regard this place very highly i have spent every birthday there and have had so many good nights it really upsets me to hear you slating it. if you dont like it dont come! SIMPLE!!!


The leadmill was and still is sheffields number one music venue in my eyes look at the leadmill gig list and the line up for this summers festivals and have a game of pairs ... you will get a fair few!


The leadmill is legandary in sheffield and always will be perhaps it is time for a little face lift ....maybe its going to get one!!! Still a brilliant venue! and the bouncers are still not bleeding animals!!!!


To quote "you are removed with respectable force"


What a load of bullsh*te, I have never had any trouble in any club, be it in Sheffield, Nottingham, Leeds or Bristol APART from that one power hungry jobsworth pr*ck at the Leadmill.


Respectable force, especially on someone who wasnt resisting, should not involve an armbar citizens arrest and then being slammed against a wall.


To quote again "keep your head down"

Errm, im pretty sure thats what I was doing when I tried to step around the fight, so again thats ridiculous.


I know how hard a job bouncers have, as I work in club myself (and used to work in Leadmill surprisingly!) and see the sh*te that they have to put up with from some people, but the ones at Leadmill seem to tarnish everyone with the same brush and its quite frankly disgraceful.

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To quote "you are removed with respectable force"


What a load of bullsh*te, I have never had any trouble in any club, be it in Sheffield, Nottingham, Leeds or Bristol APART from that one power hungry jobsworth pr*ck at the Leadmill.


Respectable force, especially on someone who wasnt resisting, should not involve an armbar citizens arrest and then being slammed against a wall.


To quote again "keep your head down"

Errm, im pretty sure thats what I was doing when I tried to step around the fight, so again thats ridiculous.


I know how hard a job bouncers have, as I work in club myself (and used to work in Leadmill surprisingly!) and see the sh*te that they have to put up with from some people, but the ones at Leadmill seem to tarnish everyone with the same brush and its quite frankly disgraceful.


I agree, the sooner its turned into apartments and those bouncers find themselves unemployable the better.

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