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Clubbing mates wanted


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I've just returned to this fine city after 7 years and the 2 people I still know in Sheffield are either pregnant or evangelical christians. Help!

I'm an affable kind of person and I like dance music of all non-cheesy varieties, especially electro, breaks, tech house, DnB, bassline house and psy trance. So most types, really.

Anyway, I know it's a bit lame, but does anyone mind if I tag along with them the next time you're out at UG, Zogg, Tuesday club et al.

I'm not a sad, friendless person, I'm just unemployed and live in a small chav village, so I never get to meet anyone. I'm not looking for a boyfriend/shag, so don't reply with lewdness, please!

I tend to get on with studenty types, creative types and 24 hour party people. Wideboys and glamourpusses need not reply.

Thanks for reading.


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Hi Kerry


Sorry to disappoint..but Im not sure Im the clubbing mate you're after! You've had 11 views and no responses so just wanted to say hi and good for you.


I bet there'll are other people on the forum who are in the same situation or could help out...!


PS - there are forum meets every week or so I think ...Ive only been to 2 but you could arrange to meet some potential clubbing mates there if you'd rather...just to make sure they're not 'wideboys and glamourpusses'!


Good luck

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a girl who likes psy trance, good start, haha,


i regularly go to planet zogg with a few friends of mine so your welcome to tag along if you want :P


are you going to go to the next zogg in april?

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If it's any help I do go to UG quite a lot and with a varied circle of friends (male & female all late 20s-30). Have been known to attend Planet zogg sometimes too. Last time I even went on my own, met a load of random people and had a great night! I also attend the Sheffield forum meets from time to time (although my recent turnout record has been poor). Should be there next Sunday.


Anyways, good luck!

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Also attend Zogg regularly, and put on techno nights here and there you may be interested in, drop me an email if you want more details on them.

And for something more to your electro, breaks taste (although very weird with it) with a similair crowd as the Techno/trance does, I'm putting this on Uncertainty Principle equally get in contact if you want more details.

Take care and hope you enjoy your return to sheffield :P

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hey kerry,

i think that there might be a psy party on the 20th of april somewhere.i ll probably go alone cause all my mates are not into that stuff.so u r most welcome to join me.ill let u know where the party is when i find out.take care

there's a rainbow in the sky all the time don't be blind


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