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Attack at Suez.Bonfire night


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In 1956 British parachute troops

and French Foreign legion Paratroops

attacked Port Said in Egypt.

I took part in that attack.



Suez. the reasons why.


Nasser up to his age old tricks,

closing the Straits of Tiran for kicks,

pouring verbal abuse at Jews,

trying to make the headline news.


Removing the British with great success,

the British rejoicing and saying God bless,

into their planes and boats and ships,

heading for blighty to fish and chips.


But Col Nasser had not finished yet,

Disraeli’s investment he had to get,

£4,000,000 we vested in this canal,

taxpayers money in this foreign channel.


I will close this canal company down

said Col Nasser without a frown

some honest Egyptian’s had their doubt

this is thieving they were heard to shout.


But close it down the mighty man did,

its all mine, there’s no need to bid,

not long after in a morning sky,

roaring engines were heard on high.


At a place called El Gamil ,

Egyptians asserted Nasser’s will,

the sound of shells and cordite smell,

men descending to a thunderous hell.


Ack ack and flack was poured at these troops,

but none of it mattered to these sturdy groups,

B companies men dropped over enemy heads,

alerting them to realities dreads.


Acrid smoke and cordite smell,

self propelled guns releasing shell,

streams of tracer searing a path,

fallen heroes in a bloody bath.


All because Nasser could not wait.

till that day in ‘68,

this worldly waterway would be his,

not one parent their son would miss.


To ALL those that fell at El Gamil.


[Jobee 3 Parachute Group. [primary source]


Nasser, President.

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