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Sir Anthony Eden Prime Minister 56


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Sir Anthony Eden


Sir Anthony Eden-pm-mc-pc


born an aristocrat near durham town

handsome debonair of great renown

a commissioned officer in the first world war

the 'military cross' for great valour


the battlefield he left behind

to oxford intellectuals he took his mind

arabic and persian was his choice

he quietly studied and spared his voice


At 23 years his future looked bright

already conditioned to fight the good fight

a passion for politics turned his head

the foreign office he made his bed


but chamberlin! chamberlin!- what is this

appeasement! when and how is this

Im going chamberlin-ive had enough

did you not see hitlers bluff


but chamberlin quickly took the point

swiftly resigning his nose out of joint

as foreign secretary,sir anthony was back

helping churchill form a coalition pack


minister for war this quiet man became

building the 'home guard' and making his name

in ‘55 his ambitions matured

As PM-- destiny assured


In ‘56 stormy waters he met

president nasser he would not abet

blocking the suez and straits of tiran

israels destruction the master plan


ill in body but mind alert

britains will he would assert

with french and israelis upon the attack

egyptian armies we swiftly did sack


russia and america ask us to leave

israelis safety-the UN would proceed

making him open the straits of tiran

unblocking the canal his workmen began


sir anthony later- would resign

For years his health had been in decline

In 77 this great englishman would die

St MARYS in wiltshire his body does lie


I considered it a great honour to drop with


3 Parachute group-The French foreign Legion, [paratroops]- And the Israeli [paratroops].That took the Mitla pass.


Great Britain! Vive le France! SHALOM ISRAEL! © 2002


Sir Anthony, you were right..

JB a coy 3 para group.


Arial Sharon was commamder of the Israeli attack


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