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Directory Enquiries

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Originally posted by max

Shouldn't you be monitoring your csrs and ensuring they don't give out the right numbers too often?


already done that. they give out the correct numbers to people from everywhere but sheffield. Maybe thats because none of you have a clue what you're on about and none of you have anough money to spend on directory enquiries!

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we could all boycott your service :)


Do you work for "the number 118" they are based in Cardiff are they not.


I always use the web anyway.



Ps if you are so fit and we only look at pictures why not send us a piccy.

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Originally posted by mikey

we could all boycott your service :)


Do you work for "the number 118" they are based in Cardiff are they not.


I always use the web anyway.



Ps if you are so fit and we only look at pictures why not send us a piccy.


carry on if you really want to boycott the service. our companys not doing well anyway. im not gonna be here for long. far better opportunities :thumbsup:


will sort out the piccy thing now

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Originally posted by fittdiva

surely though, i have to type the information in to the computer, so i do have to write things!! and for your information, im a team leader, not a csr.


this is what i mean by people treating us like we are retards.

and i didnt think my spelling would matter. all you lot do is look at the pictures anyway, dont you??




Whether you have to write or type, someone gives you a name and you have to input it into a computer.


If someone asked you for a company called "believe", would you type it in BELEIVE like you did on your earlier post?


And yes, all we do is look at pictures. Loads on pictures on here for example.


No wonder your company is going down the pan with team leaders like you!

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Originally posted by alchresearch

Whether you have to write or type, someone gives you a name and you have to input it into a computer.


If someone asked you for a company called "believe", would you type it in BELEIVE like you did on your earlier post?


And yes, all we do is look at pictures. Loads on pictures on here for example.


No wonder your company is going down the pan with team leaders like you!


loads on pictures on here????? where did you learn your grammar??

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Originally posted by alchresearch

Whether you have to write or type, someone gives you a name and you have to input it into a computer.


If someone asked you for a company called "believe", would you type it in BELEIVE like you did on your earlier post?


And yes, all we do is look at pictures. Loads on pictures on here for example.


No wonder your company is going down the pan with team leaders like you!

For gods sake, whats with you all being so picky about spelling on here. its not like its that important anyway

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to agree with "fittdiva" through out this forum.

I work for 11-88-88 in the Swansea call centre and our colleges have no problems in finding numbers for our customers.

The only time we cant find numbers or have great difficulty in finding them is when we get ***** phoning with stupid ******* Accents and cant talk in proper English then they have the ******* cheek to slag off the welsh just because we ask customers to spell strange sounding words!!!! What do you expect if your going to go looking the strangest ******* numbers just to **** us off.

And just for the record for all those ***** who think we should eat the Oxford Dictionary and Collins Atlas for breakfast.....just because we work in a call centre for a directory enquiries company doesn't mean we have to know how to spell everything..

Try our job for 1day, 1hour even then u'll know what its like to listen to the pig ignorant, snotty nose customers who call us with silly requests.



Edit - Removed mass swearing and mass usage of capitals - Lickszz

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Originally posted by 118888

IAnd just for the record for all those ***** who think we should eat the Oxford Dictionary and Collins Atlas for breakfast.....just because we work in a call centre for a directory enquiries company doesn't mean we have to know how to spell everything.. [/b]


Perhaps you shouldn't be working there then, Muppet. If someone speaks a word to you, the first thing you have to do is TYPE IT IN - which means you must have to know how to spell it!


It's the company's fault for locating their business in a place with such a high concentration of morons.

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