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Originally posted by 118888

exactly so stop giving us greef all the time cuz we're doin u a favour

I hate to get technical, but a favour is "act of gracious kindness" and is normally something that is free or offered at a reduced price. People pay good money to have you find the number, so it's not a favour IMHO. :P
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Well, there are 2 fab examples of a representatives of a customer focused organisation. Can you imagine the training sessions!


I think that I can assume that everyone here has web access :D so you could try the same as me. The first 2 links on my IE toolbar are http://www.192.com and http://www.yell.com.


Now you don't have to speak to the ignorant Welsh :thumbsup: who have words so long and unintelligible that they have to play scrabble on the car park :loopy:

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Originally posted by Lickszz

It's us who are doing the favours by using your company and keeping the likes of you in a job.


"Were" keeping them in a job. I think those two morons have done more to damage their company's reputation than the six months of stupid jogger commercials to get us to remember and use their service!

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