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Consuming your own drinks in a cafe? Thoughts?


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If she was rude to me I would have left immediately without paying as I would deem her actions constituted a break of contract.


Arghhhh! Why do people feel they have the right to not pay? This is theft, and illegal. Breach of contract? What contract? The only implied contract would be between you and vendor - vendor supplies food and/or drinks, for which you pay.

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I think some of you are missing part of the point.

She could have told them they weren't allowed to drink their own drinks there, asked them to leave immediately or even barred them on the spot all in a professional manner.


OP was cheeky but it's still no excuse for a foul attitude from someone in the service industry who is "at work".


If I did something against house rules and she was professional about it then I would apologise and co-operate. If she was rude to me I would have left immediately without paying as I would deem her actions constituted a break of contract.


No you're missing the point. The OP is the one lacking in social graces and awareness. They've obviously visited the venue at least once before so how come it took a second visit to consider how expensive it is? :loopy: Then to cap it off walk off without fully paying their bill. To say it's just being cheeky and believe their take on events is stretching it IMHO.

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I haven't been in before but my friend has, she told me that the woman is always a hag after we had left..


Ever heard of "Service with a smile" ? If I want ugly, emotionless lack of service, coupled with random noise then I would use a vending machine.


Even if I were some chav hoodie and started smoking and wee'ing on things at random, you still have to be professional when in a public SERVICE job. So you might well have a go at me for being cheap and not breaking a 20 just to pay for their slop, but shes hardly an angel either.

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I haven't been in before but my friend has, she told me that the woman is always a hag after we had left..


Ever heard of "Service with a smile" ? If I want ugly, emotionless lack of service, coupled with random noise then I would use a vending machine.


Even if I were some chav hoodie and started smoking and wee'ing on things at random, you still have to be professional when in a public SERVICE job. So you might well have a go at me for being cheap and not breaking a 20 just to pay for their slop, but shes hardly an angel either.


And I'm sure Lynn is very happy that she cannot count you as a regular customer. Since when has it become acceptable to behave like a moron and treat people with no respect, just because they're working?

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Ok, so I was with my friend and we decide to go in Lynns Pantry. The prices are crazy imo, but we decide to eat there anyway cause we're stupid.

So we order baked potato and some other stuff which I can't remember, because all I can remember is the rotund woman with the annoyingly sharp voice who took orders and rolled eyes when I asked if salad etc costed extra (only had a few quid on me).

So anyway, cause we couldnt afford drinks we decided to whip the milkshakes out we bought earlier on in somerfields. We drinks and eats up, then as we are getting ready to pay, she comes over and gives us a speech about how drinking our own drinks is not "part of the package". It was really humiliating to be screeched at in the middle of the place by this so called woman, I mean a simple "could you please not bring your own drinks in here" would have sufficed? But she went absolutely mental.

Tbh it felt like being back at school or something, so anyway since she took me back to my school days, I decided to act like a kid for the sake of it and I left my empty milkshakes there as a present, but I also decided to take 50p off the bill for "tax".

Well, we quickly got out of there but just as we thought we were home free at the library, we hear a "EXCUSE ME!" from behind and there she is, it's probably the most excercise shes had in her whole life and she chased us all that way for 50p. I tryed to tell her that she is surely mistaken and we did leave correct money but my friend is too nice and she gave the 50p straight up.


Never going back there! Fiver for a tiny jacket with tuna and a bit of lettuce!


In future if you can't a fford a drink just ask first if they mind if you drink your own. Some cafe's don't mind and will put it in a glass and give you some ice (that way other customers dont notice and think, "ooh he's brought his own drink I'll bring my own next time"). I fhtey do mind, just ask for a glass of tap water, I think they have to give it to you free by law.

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Asst Mod Note-


Can we discuss views on the OP and the cafe in question and not personal insults on where others work, or their reasons for not posting more often etc. As well as 'chat' there is a chat room for this or save your messages for PM.


Please keep this thread on topic and sensible or it will undoubtedly be closed.



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Food quality


If the problem is the quality of the food rather than the service and it is so poor as to be a breach of contract, again you are entitled to reduce the bill or refuse to pay. However, if you are going to do this you need to tell the waiter at the time the food is served or if you first taste it. The restaurant is entitled to have the opportunity of putting good the problem.


Under protest

If you do not like making a fuss or you are with a party and do not want to upset the atmosphere, you can always pay 'under protest' and write on the back of the bill that you are doing so. This gives you the chance of claiming against the restaurant at a later date. Usually only worth it if you are with a big party.


Free meals

It is a criminal offence on your part to go into a restaurant and order a meal with the intention of not paying for it. Restaurants often wrongly believe this means you have to pay for a meal whatever the circumstances. This is not the case. So long as you have a genuine reason for not paying and you leave your name and address, you have not acted in any way dishonestly.



You did none of these things, so therefore, the woman working was quite within her rights to 'chase' you for your 50p!

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Disclaimers still are not ideal as SF would still have to deal with and spend costs defending any defamation claim, their defence being the disclaimer, and who knows if the defence would succeed anyway.


In any case - the issue of legal action wasn't the reason for closing this matter - it was because it was 'off thread'.... note that the name of the thread actually changed too....so who knows what the actual topic was anymore!

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